Food waste

Slow Food believes that in a world where millions are undernourished and resources are limited, reducing food waste is an essential step in achieving a sustainable food system.

The present system in which we find ourselves as consumers and producers is founded on a mechanism of overproduction and waste, on the rapid selling-off of stock to put new products on the market, and the provision of food that is aesthetically perfect.

According to the FAO, roughly one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year — approximately 1.3 billion tons — gets lost or wasted. Meanwhile over 840 million people worldwide (12% of the world population) are undernourished.

In developing countries food waste and losses occur mainly at early stages of the food value chain and can often be traced back to financial or technical constraints in harvesting and storage. In medium- and high-income countries food is wasted and lost mainly at later stages in the supply chain, in supermarkets, restaurants and households. Along with it we waste the soil, water, and all the resources used to produce, package, store and transport it.

At the center of our work is the strong belief that the key to fighting food waste is to give food back the value that it deserves.

Press releases

欢迎参加第一届 Terra Madre Americas

23 Apr 2024 | Chinese

本次活动由慢食运动 (Slow Food) 和 VisitSacramento 筹备,将于 5 月 17 日至 19 日在美国萨克拉门托举行。 慢食运动是一个旨在确保人人享有优质、清洁、公平食品的全球性运动,Visit Sacramento 是一家旅游目的地营销组织。第一届 Terra Madre Americas 国际活动由慢食运动和 Visit Sacramento 合作筹备,通过特定主题的视角,探讨食品如何与我们生活以及环境的方方面面相互关联,同时,对气候危机、社会公证、餐饮体系涉及的教育问题予以特别关注。首届活动代表了 Terra Madre Americas 未来几年的发展方向,整个美洲大陆和许多社区都将积极参与其中。 本次活动的目的是透过现象,探讨食品如何与我们生活和环境的方方面面产生相互关联,并对餐饮体系涉及的气候危机和社会公证问题给予特别关注。首届活动会将拉丁美洲及其食品生物多样性作为焦点主题,介绍当地产品和当地为未来保存资源、保护环境而采取的实践措施。活动参与者将深入这些地区,探索、品尝当地产品,聆听专题研讨会并与代表们会面。 “今年,我们慢食协会将庆祝 Terra Madre 成立 20 周年。Terra Madre 作为一个全球网络,将来自世界各地的社区联结在一起。9 月底,在意大利举行的 Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 中,这些国际代表团将成为活动主角,”全球慢食协会北部地区总监 Elisa Demichelis 这样评论。“在意大利举办的活动将秉持全球视野,而在萨克拉门托举办的 Terra Madre Americas 则会成为一个完美契机,引导人们关注拉丁美洲丰富的食品、生物多样性和当地社区。” 活动将通过实体空间和内容来呈现上述主题,并特别关注拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的生物文化领地、慢食咖啡联盟...

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