Slow Beans: Case Studies

Slow Food and FoodInsider together for a more good, clean and fair school catering. These publications, produced by Slow Food in collaboration with FoodInsider , highlights how it is really possible to make the canteen of our schools more sustainable, creating a circular economy that is positively reflected on citizens and territory.

Czech Republic: a path for school cafeteria reconstruction 

This new Case Study, realised in collaboration between Slow Food and Foodinsider, analyses the development of the project It’s on Our Plate and We Care, in which Slow Food Prague plays a key role to rebuild the school catering system in Czech Republic by bringing the good, clean and fair principles into school meals >> Download the Case Study ENG – ITA

Building upon the Case Study, a 2-pager has been developed, to give key insights and to provide the Municipalities a useful and practical tool to understand how to systemically transform school canteens, actively involving all the stakeholders of the local food system >> Share the two-pager you find here with your municipal administration now!


Italy: The Case Study on Qualità & Servizi

School canteens should not be seen only as an item of expenditure on the municipal budget. The case study on Qualità & Servizi – a public company that operates in the field of school catering – analyzes how this reality has become one of the best in Italy, climbing the ranking of canteens in the country, with the inclusion in the menu of legumes of the Slow Beans network! >> Download the Case Study ENG – ITA

In addition, a short version collects the main recommendations for municipalities, which play a crucial role in making local collective catering more sustainable, considering the canteen as local area policy tools. >> Share the two-pager you find here (ENGITA) with your municipal administration now!