Frequently Asked Questions

  • 2024 Edition

    What is meant by the “hospitality and Beverage sector”?

    The Slow Food Negroni Week Fund 2024 edition will be focused only on initiatives that can clearly and positively affect the hospitality community and in particular those who do work with/in it (bartenders, barbacks, baristas, sommeliers, caterers, hotel workers, cooks, etc). For this reason, we recommend you to carefully fill out the relevant section on the application form.

    With what entity will the Grant contract be signed?

    The entity that manages the fund and with whom the contract will be entered into is Slow Food. The Funds come from donations received during the 2023 Negroni Week, a global fundraising initiative presented by Imbibe to promote the power of food, beverages, and hospitality.

    Do the projects have to be somehow connected with Negroni Week or involve Campari or Imbibe?

    No. Your project does not have to be related to the Negroni Week event, or to Campari or Imbibe.


    What type of projects get funded?

    The Fund is open to projects that positively impact the beverage and hospitality sector and are consistent with Slow Food’s values.  Two forms of funding are provided in this 2nd edition. One for professionals (educational scholarships) and one for partnerships submitting projects (innovation awards). If you are interested in participating as an individual or submitting a project, we encourage you to carefully read the relevant call for proposals and choose in which of the priority areas you intend to work.

    I am a civil society organization with legal status. Can I apply?

    This 2024 Slow Food Negroni Week Fund is focused on responding to the actual challenges of the hospitality and beverage sector.  You can apply, with at least another partner,  if you are currently working in this sector and if your project is able to make a clear impact in this sector.

    I have a commercial activity (restaurant, hotel, bar). Can I apply for Negroni Week innovative award?

    The final beneficiaries of the Slow Food Negroni week Fund are the professionals in the beverage and hospitality sector and activities must certainly involve bars, restaurants etc. Priority will be given to projects with a clear social impact and non for profit purposes. Thus the grantee (i.e. Lead applicant) will preferably be an organization operating in the non-profit sector.

    I am an individual and do not actually have an established business in my name, but I am the representative of an informal organization. Can I apply to the Fund on behalf of the organization?

    The call for proposal for the Innovation Award is open to partnerships of at least two organizations where the lead applicant is a civic, public or private organization with an active legal status in its region and operating in the beverage sector.  At least one partner must be deeply engaged in the hospitality and beverage sector.

    My organization has already secured partial funding to carry out the project. Can I still apply for funding from the Slow Food Negroni Fund?

    Yes, but please consider that the Slow Food Negroni Week Fund cannot cover expenses that have already been covered by other funding. The Slow Food Negroni Week Fund can co-finance the overall budget, but applicants must specify how the funding will be used.

    Example: Your large project costs $100,000 USD and has already secured funds for $90,000 USD; you can apply for a maximum amount of $10,000 USD, specifying which activities and costs it will be used for.

    In which languages can I fill out the application form?

    Applications should preferably be submitted in English. In consideration of the broad number of countries involved, applications can also be submitted in other languages (i.e. Spanish, or French). You can use online translation to better understand the application form sections.

    What are the eligible countries of the Slow Food Negroni Week Fund?

    All countries are eligible.


    Should you require any additional information, you can contact [email protected]

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