Education: Combating Exclusion and Malnutrition Suffered by Indigenous People in Argentina

In 2022, Slow Food started working with the Fundación Gran Chaco to develop a training program for Indigenous people in North Argentina suffering exclusion and malnutrition. Forming part of the Niyat project, this program devised and delivered Module Manuals for agroecological agriculture, designed to empower participants with the knowledge and skills to safeguard their food security and improve their livelihoods. 

These modules were distributed among 2400 Indigenous people in the province of Chaco. In line with the gender-focused approach of the project to promoting intercultural bilingual education, many of the project’s participants were women. After attending the meetings and workshops and completing the modules, participants completed qualitative and quantitative surveys to allow a multi-purpose analysis of the project’s success. Through the collaboration between Slow Food and the Fundación Gran Chaco, more Indigenous people in North Argentina are interested in producing good, clean and fair food.