The Slow Food Prague actively campaigns for a sustainable food system in the upcoming EU elections

06 Mai 2024 | English

Slow Food Prague Cultivates Future Food Advocates at “Seedlings into the Soul” Event on May 18

In the framework of Slow Food latest campaign “Feed the Change”, aimed to elevate the importance of the transition towards sustainable food systems in the upcoming European Elections, EU citizens will be concretely involved in many events taking part in various EU countries. These events are organized with Good Food Good Farming, a civil society alliance that campaigns for sustainable food and farming across Europe. They have launched a Europe wide awareness campaign to  mobilize citizens in each Member State to vote for a progressive EU that can reform our agrifood system.

Seedlings into the Soul is an engaging educational event set to take place at Prague’s farmers’ market on May 18 aimed at families with children, promising a hands-on experience to nurture a love for nature and agroecology in the younger generation.

“Seedlings into the Soul” offers an array of activities designed to captivate both children and parents. Participants will have the opportunity to partake in planting actions, where children will plant lettuce, tomatoes, or other vegetable seedlings under the guidance of our enthusiastic volunteers. Additionally, families will receive materials about the Good Food Good Farming campaign and Slow Food’s “Feed the Change” initiative, promoting awareness of sustainable food systems.

Highlighting the event is a thought-provoking talk on the impact of EU policies on food systems, accompanied by insights from a local producer. This discussion aims to empower attendees to advocate for good, clean, and fair food systems through their votes, fostering a better Europe for future generations.

“Seedlings into the Soul” embodies Slow Food Prague’s commitment to cultivating not just crops, but also advocacy and awareness for sustainable food practices.

“Younger generations were used to preparing food with parents and grandparents and helped in growing trees and plants or taking care of poultry and cattle. In a word, they lived in close contact with nature and respected its laws. Today, they are losing this contact, most food comes from commercial distribution and is treated like a commodity. It is our duty to teach children to respect nature and how food comes from, as tomorrow they will be the ones taking care of the land”, comments Blanka Turturro, President of Slow Food Prague. 

With the European Elections just around the corner, Slow Food is therefore committed to ensuring that sustainable food and agriculture take center stage in the political discourse. Food is not just sustenance; it is a fundamental pillar of our society, impacting our health, environment, economy, and social equity.


Through “Feed the Change”, we aim to raise awareness about the importance of EU politics for food and agriculture, and advocate for policies that promote sustainable food systems, support local farmers, and ensure access to healthy and nutritious food for all Europeans. We believe that by putting food at the top of the EU agenda, we can create a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable future for Europe.

At the core of our campaign lies a Manifesto crafted for the upcoming EU elections, in which we outline five key political priorities to address the pressing challenges facing our food systems and the environment. These priorities will serve as a framework for our advocacy efforts and engagement with policymakers, as well as a guide for EU citizens on voting day.

In the coming weeks, we will be organizing a webinar (May 28) on the importance of the EU elections for the future of food, in collaboration with the Good Lobby. We’ll also be engaging with political stakeholders to amplify our message and mobilize support for meaningful change. Additionally, Slow Food’s network will be spearheading local initiatives across Europe, to further promote our campaign’s objectives at the grassroots level.

Together, let’s make food a top priority in the European Union and work towards a future where everyone has access to Good, Clean and Fair food.


For more information about our campaign and how to get involved, please visit our dedicated web page.

Practical information:

When: May 18

How: the event is open to the public

Where: Prague Farmers Market Heřmaňák, Řezáčovo náměstí, Praha 7

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