Grantees and Funded Projects

Slow Food defends cultural and biological diversity, promotes food education and the transfer of traditional knowledge and skills, and advocates for more just and equitable food policies.

Thanks to the funds raised during 2023 Negroni Week, we have supported professionals and community-led innovative projects responding to the actual challenges of the hospitality and beverage sector and  that center good, clean and fair values in the industry. 

Let’s discover them together! 

  • Educational Scholarship

    A cohort of 30 professional from all over the world has received an educational scholarship which gave them a chance to exchange experience attending Tales of the Cocktail Event (July 21-26, 2024 in New Orleans, USA) and Terra Madre Salone del Gusto (September 26-30 September 2024 in Turin, Italy). All scholarships will be supervised by Danny Childs as trainer


    Terra Madre Salone del Gusto

    Tales of the Cocktail

  • Innovation Awards

    Thanks to the fund, 17 community-based partnership will develop innovative projects in 13 countries responding to the most actual challenges of the hospitality and beverage sector and  that center good, clean and fair values in the industry. 


  • Slow Food Exchange

    The selection phase is not yet completed. 

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