With the accession of Gilgil, the Earth Markets network in Kenya reaches three!

05 Dec 2022 | English

From November 30, every second and fourth Saturday of the month at Langa Langa Shopping Centre

The network of Earth Markets—farmers’ markets that follow Slow Food principles—continues to expand in Kenya. After the Molo and Nakuru Earth Markets, now Gilgil Earth Market joins the Slow Food network bringing the total number of markets in the country to three, and 90 worldwide.

The Gilgil Slow Food Earth Market is located in Gilgil Sub-County at Langa Langa Centre.

Langa Langa is a centre in Murindat ward in Gilgil Sub-County, in Nakuru County. It was named Langa Langa by the Maasai people and is located approximately 7 km from Gilgil town and west of Langa Langa river.

Langa Langa is an agricultural centre that has grown with time due to increased agricultural activities in the area.  The centre’s population has grown considerably since 2007 as many of the internally displaced people fleeing post-election violence after the 2007 presidential election opted to settle in this area. These populations have significantly expanded the farming activities in the centre’s outskirts. Langa Langa is home to Gilgil Barracks that have also contributed to the growth of this shopping centre and the whole area generally.

“We are really delighted that we are launching Earth Market Gilgil. It is a rare moment for the Slow Food Gardens’ producers (Gilgil Community Garden and Gilgil Township Community Garden) and smallholder farmers from like-minded organizations to offer the locals a taste of our fresh produce with a history behind of agro-ecology principles and good agricultural practices” says Beatrice Wangui, the chairperson to Slow Food Earth Market Gilgil community. “We have relied on middlemen for far too long, they have benefitted at our expense and now it is our time to shine and bring the difference; guaranteeing the clients availability of good, clean and fair food.”

Slow Food Kenya involved different stakeholders in the organization of the Gilgil Earth Market who support Agro-ecology work in the region, such as Seed Savers Network Kenya (SSN), Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN), Bio Vision Africa Trust (BvAT), PELUM Kenya, Anglican Development Service (ADS), Kenya Youth Biodiversity Network (KYBN), PercMacks company, Kenya biologicals, Gilgil Sub-County authority in charge of Trade and the Ministry of Agriculture.

The initiative has been possible thanks to Agro-Ecology Fund under the project Foster community-led initiatives in East Africa by enhancing agro-ecological productions and market access in response to the global crisis.

Slow Food Earth Market Gilgil will be operated and managed by the producers themselves. Dialogues, exchanges and sharing of information will be the order of the day of this market, no middlemen will be involved, and of course selling and buying of fresh, healthy and diverse produce. Traceability of the produce will be taken seriously through peer checks among fellow producers, impromptu visits to producers’ farms and using other mechanisms such as use of receipts having producers codes to ensure direct trace to the seller/offender in case of any non-compliance. Moreover, Ark of Taste products, Slow Food Presidia products as well as other indigenous and local products will be present in this market. Gardens/farm tours will also be conducted to interested clients.


Program of the November 30 inauguration:

10am- 11.30am Showcasing, exchanging information, buying and selling activities
11.30am-12.30pm Speeches;

1.     Chairperson of EM-Beatrice Wangui

2.     Percymacks company- Percy Njeri

3.     Kenya Biologicals- Madam Judy

4.     Saidia- Eva Namlaku

5.     KENAFF- Roda Kilonzi

6.     KYBN- Geofrey Mbugua

7.     Bvat- Peter Murage

8.     Seed savers network Kenya

9.     Pelum Kenya- Bethsheba Ratemo

10.  MOALF- Sharon Naserian

11.  Slow Food Kenya- John Kariuki

12.  Ward Admin-  Ms Mary Gicheru Gachoki

12.30-12.45pm Official Launch of Slow Food Earth Market Gilgil
12.45-2.00pm Cooking demos_indigenous vegetables
12.45- 17.00pm Market activities to continue
17.00pm  Closure



The market will feature 24 exhibitors, belonging to Slow Food Gilgil Convivium as well as Slow Food Communities like Belakom Slow Food community:


  Name Location Products Ark of Taste
1 Beatrice Wangui Langa Langa Black nightshade, spider plant, Russian comfrey, Pumpkins, kales, spinach, amaranth sunflowers, potatoes  


Black nightshade,


2 Harrison Mwangi Langa Langa Pumpkins, tomatoes, onions  
3 David Maina Eburru Onions, tomatoes, kales, amaranth. spinach Amaranth
4 James Kaliba Songoroi kales, spinach, amaranth Amaranth
5 Pricilla njeri Karunga Spinach, Carrots, potatoes, bell peppers and cabbages  
6 Margret wambui Leleswa Kales and spinach  
7 Beatrice Mumbi Kasamabara Black nightshade, amaranth Black nightshade and Amaranth
8 Lucy Wanjiru Kikopey Black nightshade, spider plant Black nightshade (managu)
9 Beth Wangari Langa Langa Russian comfrey, mint, pumpkin leaves  
10 Pauline Njeri Langa Langa Onions, lemon grass, rosemary  
11 Peter Murage Dundori Kales and spinach  
12 Teresia Wambui  

Langa Langa

Spring Onions, kales, russian comfrey  
13 Mary Nyokabi Langa Langa Black nightshade

passion fruits, eggs-for free ranged chicken

Black nightshade (managu)
14 John Kamau karunga Carrots, peas, Bell pepper  
15 Wilson Mukuha   Eggs-for free ranged chicken  
16. Peris Kariba Leleshwa Cassava, yams Cassava and cassava
17 Catherine Wangui   Cassava cuttings, sweet potatoes vines  
18 Mr.Njenga Mbegi Sweet potatoes, spring onions, kales and spinach Sweet potatoes
19 Lydia Ngigi Kikopey Yams, cassava cuttings Yams
20 Ann Wambui Diatomite Spring Onions, sugar cane, kales cuttings  
`21 Patricia Mwangi Gitare eggs-for free ranged chicken, Ovacados  
22 Stephen Muturi Kigogo Spring Onions , thorny melons  
22 James Irungu Kigogo Amarath, black nightshade  
23 Jane Muthoni Gitare Onions, broad beans  
24 Margret Wangari Kikopey Spinach and kales, Russian comfrey, onions  



Beatrice Wangui

Tel +254719100913/ +254712843776/+254725019966

E-mail: [email protected]



Slow Food International Press Office

Paola Nano – [email protected] (+39) 329 8321285

Alessia Pautasso – [email protected] (+39) 342 8641029



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