Swiss Ark Advisory Committee Appointed

23 Apr 2002 | English

The Swiss Ark Advisory Committee was officially presented at the Hotel National in Berne on Tuesday April 16. Chaired by Rafael Pérez, president of the Slow Food German Switzerland association, the committee is composed of the following members:

Janka Schlettwein, biochemist and vine-grower, Basle;Meret Bissegger, gastronome, Ticino;Susanne Zweidler, manager Slow Promotion AG, Zurich;Christoph Spengler, businessman, representative of SAM/Sustainable Asset Management, promoters of the project, ZollikonDr Dieter Schroeder, former director of the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau, CourtétellePhilippe Zogg, lawyer, BasleJosef Zisyadis, member of parliament, Pays de RomandieBéla Bartha, director Pro Specie Rara, BasleRapahel Pfarrer, biologist, Slow Food Berne convivium leader.

The next meeting will be held in Zurich on June 18.

In the meantime, members will assess possible search and selection criteria for Ark products with a view to drawing up a list of possible nominations for inclusion. The aim is to present the first six products from Switzerland’s three linguistic regions this fall at Gourmesse and the Salone del Gusto.

Susanne Zweidler

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