Slow Food launches the Molo Earth Market

20 Dec 2018 | English

Molo Earth Market joins the several activities undertaken by the local Slow Food network in the fight for good, clean and fair food for all

According to the recently released Global Hunger Index 2018 Kenya still has “serious levels of hunger”: for every three Kenyans, one is grappling with severe food insecurity and poor nutrition. Slow Food try to contribute to the solution of this serious problem with different projects aimed to give value and support to small scale food producers around the country.

On Friday, December 21, the Slow Food network in Kenya will officially launch the first Kenyan Earth Market in Molo, Nakuru County, which will then enter the international Earth Market network of Slow Food. The market will be held in the Molo Railway ground, close to the Molo Post Office, Molo Sub-County, every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month, at 9:00am.

The decision to start an Earth Market is based on the need to make high-quality fresh products available, revive local food traditions, and bring food producers and consumers together. Consuming local, fresh, and nutritional food is of paramount importance and an important tool to fight malnutrition and poverty.

The Earth Market is a win-win situation for consumers and producers, since the project aims also to strengthen the local economy. Market access remains one of the biggest challenges facing small-scale farmers in Molo and throughout the whole country, and now, thanks to the work of the local Slow Food network, small-scale farmers and producers in Molo have access to a market made just for them, a way of supporting those who still produce food according to the good, clean and fair philosophy.

The city of Molo was chosen to host the Earth Market due to its centrality in relation to Slow Food activities in Nakuru County. Molo is also the birthplace of the local convivium. In addition, communities in the area have been very active in promoting the Slow Food philosophy through nominating products to the Ark of Taste, establishing Slow Food gardens (such as, for example, the one hosted at the Baraka Agricultural school), and participating in the Cooks’ Alliance and Slow Food Presidia projects.

The market involves many different producers from more than 30 Slow Food communities, including the Ogiek, Karirikania, Lare, Kihoto, and Kangawa communities, the Herbs Growers group (Gilgil community), an organic pesticide producer (Salome Njeri), organic juice makers (Kenyatta community), traditional seeds savers (Makongo community), the Network for Eco-farming in Africa (NECOFA), and the Baraka Agricultural college.

The communities will bring a rich selection of products to the Earth Market, including many Slow Food Presidia products such as the Lare Pumpkin, Molo Mushunu Chicken, Ogiek Honey, and Mau Forest Dried Nettle.

Slow Food Earth markets are important meeting points, where local producers offer healthy, quality food directly to consumers at fair prices and guarantee environmentally sustainable methods. In addition, they preserve the food culture of the local community and contribute to defending biodiversity. Today, there are 67 Slow Food Earth Markets in 20 countries (Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Estonia, India, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Latvia, Lebanon, Mauritius, Mexico, Mozambique, Poland, Puerto Rico, Turkey, Uganda and United States).

For further information, please contact:

Slow Food Kenya Coordinator, Nakuru County

Samson Kiiru +254719100913

Slow Food International Press Office

[email protected] – Twitter: @SlowFoodPress

Slow Food is a global grassroots organization that envisions a world in which all people can access and enjoy food that is good for them, good for those who grow it and good for the planet. Slow Food involves over a million activists, chefs, experts, youth, farmers, fishers and academics in over 160 countries.

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