Sibratsgfäll Farmers’ Market joins the Slow Food Earth Markets Network
06 May 2022 | English
Press release – May 5, 2022
Saturday, May 7 marks the start of a new season for the latest member of Earth Market network in Sibratsgfäll, Austria
The network of Earth Markets—farmers’ markets that follow Slow Food principles—continues to expand in Austria, with the Sibratsgfäll Earth Market bringing the total number of markets in the country to five, and 79 worldwide.
Sibratsgfäll is a small town of around 400 inhabitants in the district of Bregenz, Vorarlberg, close to the German border. It is nestled in a wide, sunlit valley between towering mountains, at an altitude of 929 meters. Since time immemorial, the local agriculture has been characterized by extensive land management practices.
The Earth Market is located on the grounds of the Dorner Hof organic farm, owned by Markus and Tanja Dorner, whose products are also available at the market. They founded a local Slow Food Community with a group of producers, and together held a montly market from July to October 2021. Given the success of the initiative, the Community is now ready to repeat the programme for May to October, 2022, every first Saturday of the month.
“In order to install a Slow Food market in the long term, it needs farmers and food producers who share the same ideas and a common goal, i.e. healthy, affordable, local food, made by and for the people of the region” says Markus Dorner, Sibratsgfäll Earth Market coordinator. “The aim of the market is not just to live our convictions, but also to bring them closer to consumers, thereby changing the behavior of other farmers and consumers in the region. The idea is that producers and consumers should know and trust each other, just like in a big family. A marketplace and communication space on a farm where you meet the producers for yourself: that’s what Sibratsgfäll Earth Market is.”
On May 7, 2022, Sibratsgfäll will officially join the Earth Market network, having being recognized as following the Slow Food philosophy. On that occasion, the market team will also offer a programme of workshops, tastings and product presentations for young and old.
There are 13 exhibitors at the market, all organic, and they cover the whole range of products needed for a complete shopping trip: fresh meat and sausages, sourdough bread and cereals, fruit and vegetables, eggs, goat and cow cheeses, honey, cold-pressed oil, beer, river trout, natural wines and natural cosmetics. The exhibitors are:
Dorner Hof |
Bäckerei Dorner |
Lebenshilfe |
Steurer Florian | echt regional&nachhaltig
Antonio Jesús Romero Garcia |
Ferienhof Dürlinde |
Ziegenhof Feurstein |
Dorner Jogi und Nussbaumer Hubert | Fischbaron Sibratsgfäll
Maurer Wolfgang |
Bechter Lara und Clemens |
Hilkater |
Permakultur Simma |
Fink Kurt |
What makes the Sibratsgfäll Earth Market special is that the production facilities are freely accessible. Consumers can see for themselves how the animals are reared, the vegetables, fruit and herbs are grown and how the bread is made. The farm’s energy supply is almost entirely autonomous, thanks to a biomass heating system and solar panels. Furthermore, in order to make access easier by public transport, there will be a bus connection to Sibratsgfäll on market days, thanks to cooperation with the Regional Planning Community (REGIO) Bregenzerwald and the Vorarlberg GmbH Transport Association.
For more info, contact the Earth Market coordinator:
Markus Dorner Tel.+43 (0) 664 5331300
E-mail: [email protected]
Slow Food International Press Office
Paola Nano – [email protected] (+39) 329 8321285
Alessia Pautasso – [email protected] (+39) 342 8641029
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