Salone del Gusto Website Online in English from Today

17 Jun 2008 | English

We wish to announce that the English version of the Salone del Gusto 2008 website is now online. Here you can sign up for the various taste workshops, lectures and seminars or apply for press accreditation. Visit to see what’s in store this year at the Lingotto Exhibition Center in Torino.

At the end of May the seventh Salone del Gusto was officially presented at the Teatro Piccolo Regio in Turin. Speeches were made by Sergio Chiamparino, mayor of Turin, Mercedes Bresso, president of the Piedmont Regional Authority and Carlo Petrini, president of Slow Food International.

Opening the proceedings, Roberto Burdese, president of Slow Food Italy, said that the upcoming Salone will be the biggest and most important to date with an exhibition area of 60,747 sq m, 15% more than in 2006. He also explained how Salone del Gusto/Terra Madre will be the first international exhibition to apply a systematic approach to progressively reduce its own impact on the environment.

‘Our basic aim is to decrease energy use, gas emissions and waste at both events,’ he said. ‘CO2 emissions will be compensated for, but only after we have done our utmost to reduce them. By adopting this approach we are creating an exportable, low-environmental-impact, Piedmontese event model’.

Carlo Petrini in his closing speech, said ‘Over the last twenty years, Slow Food has developed the concept of neo-gastronomy, in which pleasure is not just a pretext but a basic ingredient, provided it helps respect for the environment and social justice. For food production is a question that needs to be addressed on a planetary scale. The top item on the agenda at Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre 2008 will be the provision of the right motivations and rewards to persuade young people to return to the land. In Italy farmers make up 3% of the working population and the majority of them are elderly. It is necessary for the number of people who work the land to increase and this can only happen with the contribution of young people. Farmers and peasants are the true guardians of our planet, conservers of biodiversity and traditional wisdom. To relocalize food production is to combine economic value with a sustainable model for agriculture. This isn’t a utopia, but a truly winning idea, the most modern in the world. Since we are aware of the need to regenerate agriculture through young people, thousand of students and young farmers and will come to Terra Madre’.

The seventh International Salone del Gusto, organized by Slow Food, the Piedmont Regional Authority and the City of Torino, is a food market and a meeting place in which gastronomy meets ethical and social awareness.

Terra Madre is the international meeting of food communities, born of a ‘network of networks’ of contacts and connections among all those who cultivate, process, commercialize and cook in an attempt to promote traditional, sustainable local food production the world over.

This year the Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre combine to take you on a return journey to the roots of good—from fork to field, from field to fork. From the north to the south of the planet, from production to consumption, from the peasant farmer to the co-producer (the term we use to refer to the consumer who, by being informed about how food is produced and actively supporting those who produce it, becomes an active player in the process).

Salone del Gusto/Terra Madre
October 23-27 2008
Turin, Lingotto Fiere exhibition center/Oval

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