SALONE DEL GUSTO: Petrini and Ghigo meet the press

27 Oct 2002 | English

The two men behind this year’s Salone del Gusto, Slow Food president Carlo Petrini and president of the Piedmont Regional Authority Enzo Ghigo met the international media this morning.In what he called the “classic wind-down appointment” of the Salone, Petrini stated that with the event on its second-last day we are now in a position to begin our first reflections on the success of the Salone. As he said, “It clearly is a significant success, particularly from an international point of view”. With record-breaking attendance figures and a huge international presence both public and media, Petrini continued by claiming that, “We set out to make this an international Salone and we have succeeded”. The Salone, he concluded, “must go on to be not only a window on Italy, but also on the world’s eno-gastronomic culture”.Ghigo echoed Petrini’s satisfaction in the success of this year’s Salone, stating that “We are thrilled to see the amount of foreign tourists visiting Turin for this unique event which is not only keeping our region on the world map, but encouraging an appreciation and education of and about international foods”.

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