Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre 2012
06 Jun 2012 | English
The programme of the 2012 edition of the international Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre world meeting of food communities has been released, giving comprehensive information about the event that, from October 25-29 in Turin, Italy, will display the extraordinary diversity of food from all continents and unite small-scale farmers and artisans from around the world who follow the principles of good, clean and fair.
Entrance tickets are available here.
Tickets for the bookable events are available here.
At Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre, visitors can choose from over 100 Taste Workshops and Meet the Maker events where visitors will be guided through tastings by international experts; the Theatre of Taste where chefs will prepare their signature dishes for the audience to sample; Dinner Dates with renowned chefs from around the world and the Enoteca space with over 1,200 wine labels.
For the first time, Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre will be held as a joint event and will be fully open to the public. The new format aims to foster the most important international event dedicated to food, capable of uniting the pleasure of taste with responsibility and respect for those who produce it and the environment.
Food communities from around the world will be present at Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre, with many being featured with stands in the Marketplace where they can tell their story through their products. The area will host around 1,000 exhibitors from 100 countries. Arriving from Africa, North America, South America, Europe and Asia, over 350 Presidia will once again be the stars of the event, offering cheeses, cured meats, fish, breads, sweets, grains, honeys, fruits and vegetables from 50 different countries.
Three pavilions of the Lingotto Exhibition Center will be dedicated to Italy, while the adjacent Oval Olympic Arena will host producers from all five continents. Special areas will be serving Italian regional dishes, while Terra Madre cooks will be preparing ethnic specialties and street food that will highlight the diversity of gastronomic heritages from around the world.
The right to food, land grabbing, the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy, the link between health and food, climate change and animal welfare are only some of the many issues relating to the food production system that will be discussed in over 40 Conferences.
“Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre 2012 will represent a defining moment for the thousands of people that will come together in Turin to discuss the future of food,” said Slow Food president Carlo Petrini. “Our daily choices and the food that we put on our plates determine the future of the environment, economy and society, and it is more crucial than ever that we raise a collective voice this October and become an active part in solving the problems that are affecting the earth and the global community.”
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Press Office Salone del Gusto e Terra Madre:
c/o Slow Food: Tel. +39 0172 419645 [email protected] – [email protected]
c/o Regione Piemonte: Tel. +39 011 4322549 [email protected]
c/o Comune di Torino: Tel. +39 011 4423606 [email protected]
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