Master Students Discover Spain

16 May 2005 | English

The first postgraduate Master course on Gastronomic Sciences and Quality Products began on February 28, 2005 at the Colorno campus of the University of Gastronomic Sciences, near Parma in Emilia-Romagna. A total of 25 students arrived from all over the world: from France, Switzerland, Finland, Canada, the United States and Mexico as well as Italy.

From May18 to June 1 the class will be traveling on a stage (field seminar) through the Iberian peninsula. “Spain is a land characterized by a remarkable gastronomic heritage: a bastion of ancient culinary traditions, rich in both small producers and world-renowned companies. It is an unmissable destination for anyone who, like our students, wants to deepen their knowledge of quality foods,” says Alberto Capatti, Academic Coordinator of the University.

The two-week-stage is being held with the support of the Xunta de Galicia and the local consortia set up to protect the finest foods and wines of Spain.

In Castilla y Leòn, the students will be based in Salamanca and Tordesillas, where they will visit consortia and producers of Jamòn Iberico (Iberian ham), Cecina de Leòn (smoked dried beef), and other cured meats, Zamorano cheese, and wines such as D.O. Toro and D.O. Ribera del Duero.

The students will then travel to Santiago di Compostela to discover the gastronomic heritage of Galicia; as well as visiting small traditional cheesemakers and breeders of Celta pigs, they will also have the opportunity to gather shellfish, visit the fish market and discover artisan fish preservation techniques. The stage will conclude with a trip to the wineries of the Rias Baixas area.

The primary objective of the journey is to provide the Master students with the skills necessary to compare quality products from different countries.

For more information:
Alessia Incerti
E-mail [email protected]
Tel. +39 0521 811102

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