Latin America’s Great Food Biodiversity Presented at Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre 2014

06 Aug 2014 | English

This year’s Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre will see the notable presence of twenty-one Presidia, 78 food communities, 245 delegates and 20 countries from Latin America. The International Market will showcase many interesting products, such as number of honeys from Mexico, Brazil and Argentina, chilies, it’s artisanal beer from Brazil, and its Presidia and Ark of Taste products. Among these foods will also be one of our most recently created Presidia, the Providencia Black Crab that is caught in the island rainforests at night. The products will give an overview of the vast food biodiversity of Latin America, the geographical area that contains 40% of the world’s biodiversity. GM cropsfamily farming and seeds are among the pressing issues that good, clean and fair producers in Latin America are facing and that will be discussed during Salone del Gusto.

Three talented chefs who are leading the revival in Latin American cuisine will be taking center stage in the kitchens of Salone del Gusto to present and narrate some of their countries’ treasures:

Regina Tchelly (Brazil), an interpreter of the new Brazilian food scene, and mastermind behind the Favela Organica project that is turning food waste into organic dishes in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas.

Andres Ugaz (Peru), chef, researcher and promoter of Peruvian culinary traditions, specializes in the history and preparation of cebiche, considered to be the cultural heritage of Peru on a plate.

Muñoz Zurita (Mexico), one of the most lauded chefs in Mexico. He has dedicated his entire life to Mexican cuisine, even penning eleven books on the subject.

A cross section of delights from Latin America is waiting at this year’s Salone, with their unique colors, tastes and aromas and especially when it comes to chocolateLatin America is the star of the event. The following Taste Workshop is dedicated to chocolate from Latin America:

The Americas: Where Chocolate Began (Saturday, October 25)

The workshop will take the audience through Ecuador, Peru and Trinidad and Tobago, countries that are seeing a proliferation of local chocolate producers. You can sample the great wealth of Latin American chocolate for yourself, starting with Guido Gobino’s hot chocolate produced from Chontalpa cacao Presidium in Mexico.

Another characteristic product from Latin America is coffee, which will have its own dedicated Taste Workshop: Slow Food Presidia Coffees (Thursday, October 23)

In addition, a series of taste workshops will be dedicated to Latin American drinks:

Fruit, Cachaça, Caipirinha = Brasil ao cubo (Thursday, October 23)

Deise Novakoski is an expert Brazilian bartender and one of the most respected in the country. She teaches the art of cocktail making at Universita La Salle in San Paolo, is a regular contributor to specialized magazines, and writes her own column for the daily newspaper O Globo. Maria Boa of Rio Grande do Norte, Mariana and Asa Branca of Minas Gerais, and São Miguel of Rio de Janeiro are only a few of the cachaças that she will present straight up and in exotic mixed drinks like the Caipirinha, both in classic and modern versions.

The Mezcal Gang (Thursday, October 23)

Mezcal is a distillate obtained from the fermented juice of the agave plant. The workshop is a great opportunity to try various artisanal mezcales (including Los Danzantes and Alipus). They will be paired with another symbolic product of Mexico: cacao of Chontalpa, a Slow Food Presidium.

Tequila: History and Legend of the Quintessential Mexican Spirit. (Saturday, October 25)

The audience will explore the history of tequila from pulque and vino mezcal to modern day PDO distinctions, deepening your knowledge of the different styles and classifications according to aging and the area of production.

To apply for accreditation for SDG/TM 2014, please visit the following website:

For further information please contact:

℅ Slow Food Paola Nano, +39 329 8321285 [email protected]

c/o Regione Piemonte: Tel. +39 011 4322549 [email protected]

c/o Comune di Torino: Tel. +39 011 4423605 [email protected]

Organized by Slow Food, the region of Piedmont and the city of Turin, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, the international Salone del Gusto event is coming back to Turin, Italy, now its 10th year. Dedicated to the world of food, Salone del Gusto is once more united into a single event with the international meeting of Terra Madre, a network of small-scale producers from around the world. Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre 2014 will be held from October 23-27 in Turin’s trade fair Lingotto Fiere. It will see the presence of over 1000 exhibitors from 130 countries.

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