Counteracting the Loss of Biodiversity: Cheese 2013 as an Occasion for Saving Endangered Dairy Products from Around the World

13 Sep 2013 | English

Across the world, traditional and artisanal food products are disappearing at an alarming rate, taking with them with the knowledge, techniques, cultures and landscapes behind their production. This phenomenon constitutes an immense loss of our planet’s biodiversity and the memories, aromas and flavors that have been part of our cultures for millennia. To counteract this tragic development, Slow Food has launched the Save a Cheese! Campaign, which encourages visitors to Cheese, the international fair to be held in Bra, Italy, in September, to bring an endangered cheese that they would like to save, in order to nominate it for Slow Food’s Ark of Taste, a catalogue of traditional foods that risk extinction. 

The campaign has been received with great interest and people from more than 10 countries (from Europe but also from countries such as Burkina Faso, Macedonia, and Turkey) are bringing or sending in the cheeses that are dear to them and that they want to save.  

The following cheeses are nominated and exhibited during Cheese:

From Brazil: Queijo colonial (Santa Catarina), Queijo Minas (Minas Gerais), Queijo de Coalho, Queijo Serrano (Rio Grande do Sul)

From Burkina Faso: Toma Tuareg

From Croatia: Žmanski sir and Sir škripavac

From France: Fromage d’Auvergne (made of the cow variety salers), Brie de Maux, Bleu du Ouevras, Forma de Valcivieres

From Macedonia: Kashkaval (from the sheep variety sharplaninska from Mavrovo Reka), Bieno Sirenje, Soleno Kiselo Mleko, and Bulamach

From Norway: White Geitost

From Portugal: Queijo de cabra curaro do Ribatejo, Queijo Serra da Estrela DOP, and Queijo Cabra Transmontano DOP

From Romania: Urda and Telemea

From Spain: Queso de Tronchón and La Cabezuela

From Turkey: Divle Tulum, Kars Kasar, Kars Gruvyere, Kargı çorum, İzmir Teneke Tulumu, Çeçil Cheese, Smoked Cerkez (Circassian) Cheese, Van Otlu (Herbed) Cheese, Manyas Kelle Cheese, and Şavşat Chest Cheese

The nominated cheeses will be on display in a designated space in Piazza Valfré di Bonzo, along with cheeses that are already in the Ark of Taste catalogue from more than 20 countries. During and after the four-day event, a Commission will judge the cheeses based on specific criteria, with the goal of boarding as many new passengers as possible on the Ark of Taste, a catalogue of small-scale quality productions that belong to the cultures, history and traditions of the entire planet. By pointing out these products, the Ark aims to function as a red flag and inspire people to take action to save them. 

Here you can find more information on the Ark of Taste, its criteria, and an up-to-date list of all its passengers, categorized by country:

To apply for accreditation for Cheese, please visit:

Cheese 2013 Press Office

Slow Food International: Paola Nano, +329 8321285 [email protected] – Sharon Aknin, [email protected]
City of Bra: Raffaele Grillo – Elena Martini +39 0172 438278, [email protected]  –


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