Carlo Petrini in Romania

14 Mar 2016 | English

Slow Food’s International President Meets the Local Terra Madre Network

Carlo Petrini, Slow Food’s international president, will be in Bucharest on March 15 to meet representatives from local institutions and the Slow Food network in Romania.

Petrini’s trip will be an opportunity to talk about the upcoming edition of Terra Madre Salone del Gusto, which will be held from September 22 to 26, 2016, in Turin, Italy. This will be the first year the event has been held outdoors, in some of the city’s most beautiful and important locations. This year’s theme is “Loving the Earth,” and the event’s graphics represent the richness and biodiversity of Terra Madre.

Here is Carlo Petrini’s program while in Bucharest:

March 15, 9.30 am

Conference organized by the Adept Foundation, a partner on the ESSEDRA project, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Carlo Petrini will be talking about the theme “Why does HNV (High Nature Value) matter? Why do family farms matter? In Europe and in the World.”

March 15, 6 pm

Slow Food Romania and the Department of Sociology of the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA) have organized a debate at the SNSPA’s Sala Multifuncţională (Bd. Expozitiei 30A, Sector 1, Bucharest)

Carlo Petrini and Professor Vintilă Mihăilescu, an anthropologist and director of the Romanian Peasant Museum, will be discussing the topic “Taste of Place: Food Heritage and the Agro-Ecological Potential of Romania.”

They will touch on the Ark of Taste project and the importance of valuing Romania’s gastronomic heritage. The Ark of Taste is an international Slow Food project which identifies, catalogs and describes forgotten flavors from all over the planet, foods at risk of extinction that deserve to be rediscovered and protected. Thanks to contributions from many people around the world, the Ark of Taste currently has close to 3,000 products. To nominate a food, all you have to do is submit this form.

At 7 pm, there will be a screening of Slow Food Story, a documentary that describes the birth of Slow Food, its spread around the world and its impact on contemporary gastronomy and culture.

Afterwards Carlo Petrini will be travelling to Bulgarian capital of Sofia.

Carlo Petrini’s visit to Bucharest is part of the activities of the ESSEDRA project, co-funded by the European Union through DG Enlargement and promoted by Slow Food with the aim of supporting the process of European integration for Balkan countries and Europe through a strengthening of civil society and its capacity to influence policies and promote sustainable models of rural development.

For more information and interview requests, please contact the Slow Food Press Office:

[email protected] – Twitter: @SlowFoodPress

Paola Nano – Slow Food International Press Office – [email protected]

Michele Rumiz – Slow Food Coordinator for Romania – [email protected]

Slow Food involves millions of people who believe in the philosophy of good, clean and fair food, a network made up of enthusiasts, chefs, experts, youth, farmers, fishers, experts and academics in over 160 countries. They include 100,000 Slow Food members linked to 1,500 local chapters worldwide (known as convivia), who contribute to funding the association through their membership fee and participate in locally organized events. The members are joined by 2,400 Terra Madre food communities who practice small-scale and sustainable production of quality food.



































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