CAP REFORM 2020: Slow Food Conference Fosters Dialogue Between Civil Society and European Institutions

10 Jul 2012 | English

On September 19 at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, Slow Food will hold a conference aimed at promoting dialogue between civil society and European Institutions on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The conference will provide the opportunity for an open exchange of views between civil society and political representatives at a crucial moment in the debate on the future of the CAP, bringing messages from different corners of Europe to the corridors of EU institutions.

The conference is organised by Slow Food in collaboration with ARC2020, under the High Patronage of the President of the European Parliament – Martin Schulz. It will include a wide number of contributors including Dacian Cioloş, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Carlo Petrini, Slow Food President of and representatives of prominent European civil society organizations.

The conference will begin at 3.00 pm and will be divided into 3 sessions:

·      Session 1: Opening and key note speeches

·      Session 2: Civil Society: main demands and concrete proposals

·      Session 3: CAP Reform and European Democracy: plenary panel discussion with the European Parliament

Registration for the event is possible at the following link:

On the day of the conference, the Good Food March will culminate with all participants meeting for a Good Food Brunch at Place de Luxembourg, in front of the EU Parliament at 11.00am. An initiative of ARC2020, Slow Food, Slow Food Youth Network and many other organizations, the march is starting from various locations across Europe in August. Activists, farmers, consumers and young people will make their way towards Brussels by bike, tractor and other means to raise awareness of their demands for the reform of the CAP. For further information:

Slow Food has been actively calling for a more sustainable CAP for many years. The association’s Slow Europe ( campaign promotes debate on the future of European agriculture in the EU member states where Slow Food is represented through its European network of 625 convivia, 330 Presidia and almost 900 Terra Madre food communities. From October 25-29 in Turin, Italy, Slow Food will hold the international Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre event

A series of conferences and meetings will focus on European agricultural policies and the role of young people

Paola Nano
Slow Food International
Press Office Director
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