At Cheese 2013, the Newly Launched Presidium of South African Raw Milk Cheeses

05 Sep 2013 | English

Cheese, Slow Food’s event dedicated to the world of artisanal dairy, is hosting this year among its international representatives the producers of the newly established South African Raw Milk Cheeses Presidium*, who are coming from South Africa to present their raw milk products. South Africa’s second Presidium has just been formed to technically support the about ten existing South African raw milk producers and to honor the efforts they put in processing only raw milk, in using animal-welfare-friendly farming practices, and in limiting themselves to a small-scale production that protects the local environment, culture and traditions.

Although the profound climatic differences challenge the cheese production in South Africa, the Presidium producers manage to adapt European models to the available ingredients and the local environmental conditions and to create artisanal cheeses whose tastes strongly reflect the territory and its climates, yielding qualitative cheeses from the Cape Province with its Mediterranean-like climate, to the arid Karoo, to the subtropical climates in the northeast. Cheese 2013 thus offers the possibility for visitors to discover rare products, get an insight into unusual dairy cultures from around the world and listen to first-hand reports on the history of these foods.

Here you can read more about the South African Raw Milk Cheeses Presidium:

Please visit this website to find a list of all Slow Presidia, categorized by country:

To apply for accreditation for Cheese, please visit the following website:

* The Slow Food Presidia support quality production at risk of extinction; protect unique regions and ecosystems; recover traditional processing methods; and safeguard native breeds and local plant varieties.








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