Action Against Food Waste in Munich Launches Good Food March to Brussels
20 Aug 2012 | English
On August 25 in Munich, a day of action against food waste will officially launch the Good Food March in Germany, an initiative that will travel throughout Europe and will bring together farmers, citizens and young people calling for a more sustainable and fair Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
The Teller Statt Tonne (Plate Not Waste) event to be held in Munich is being organized by Meine Landwirtschaft (My Agriculture), the Nature Conservation Society Bavaria/BUND, the Protestant Church Development Service (EED) and Slow Food Germany. The event aims to raise awareness on the increasing levels of waste in the food production system, which has reached a peak of 50% of discarded food products, many of which never even reach the tables of consumers. It will feature a meal prepared by volunteers using vegetables that are rejected by the regular market due to visual or other small defects. Representatives from politics and economics, local food producers and representatives of producer organizations in the Global South will discuss the basic requirements for a sustainable European agricultural policy.
The Munich event represents one of the most important stops of the Good Food March, which includes events organized in over 15 European countries. The march towards Brussels ends on September 19 with a conference at the European Parliament with the participation, among others, of EU Commissioner for Agriculture Dacian Cioloş, the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz and Slow Food President Carlo Petrini. The conference is organized by Slow Food and ARC2020 to present the demands of civil society to decision-makers in Brussels.
The forthcoming reform of the CAP will determine the future of food and agriculture in Europe, and for this reason it must include the active participation of citizens in shaping the policy. The Good Food March provides a vehicle for those European citizens who do not want to accept a world dominated by agribusiness farming, but demand instead good, clean and fair food for all.
The Good Food March is organized by ARC 2020, Slow Food, the European Milk Board, The European Coordination Via Campesina, Friends of the Earth Europe, IFOAM EU Group, Meine Landwirtschaft and Groupe PAC 2013 and many others. For further information:
Register for the conference CAP Reform 2020 – An Opportunity for European Democracy at the following link:
For further information
Slow Food Press Office
Paola Nano [email protected] +39 329 83 212 85
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