More aboard! Another 11 boardings onto the Scottish Ark of Taste

18 Jul 2016 | English

From Skye seasalt to traditional fresh blood Scottish black pudding, native black bees to the Scots Dumpy chicken, more  local products have been admitted to Slow Food’s global programme aimed at preserving traditional foods that are part of local culture.

EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND – This July has been the biggest month yet for Scottish foods joining the Slow Food Ark of Taste, joining over 3400 products from 138 countries across the globe.

Under the guidance of new Ark of Taste project leader Wendy Barrie, the latest 11 Scottish entrants represent a nearly 70% increase as more parts of the Slow Food network submit their nominations in a drive to protect bio-diversity under threat from an industrialised, standardised food system.

This dramatic rise comes as the journal Science published a study analysing the variety of plants and animals from 1.8m records from 39123 sites across the globe. It concluded that biodiversity has fallen below a safe level across 58.1% of the world’s land.

Pudding and cheese.

This month, the new Scottish boarders include Original Scots Black Pudding made with fresh blood and Scottish Artisan Crowdie made on small dairy farms and reputedly dating back to the days of the Vikings. Other cheese newcomers include traditional Ayshire and Fife Farmhouse Cheeses, and Anster Cheese, also from Fife.

Dumpies, Greys and hairy bees.

Two chicken breeds are also now on board the Ark, the Scots Dumpy is best known for its short legs and waddling walk, and the Scots Grey, a vital ingredient of a Cock-a-Leekie soup and a bird whose markings give the appearance of tartan.

The native Black Bees are the traditional honey bees of Scotland, now rare and threatened. Hairier than normal, they are able to fly at lower temperatures, foraging for for nectar and pollen when others would be huddled inside keeping warm

The final boarders this month include Skye Sea Salt, Pepper Dulse, Soay Sheep and the Boreray Sheep hailing from the remote St Kilda Islands who are the very last living descendants of the Iron Age Tanface breed.

#arkoftaste tag to promote products at risk.

Slow Food founder Carlo Petrini has recently endorsed an international photographic project, inviting the public to share pictures of Ark products and possible contenders on social media using the #arkoftaste hashtag. Photography will be used as a tool for spreading awareness and knowledge about the world’s gastronomic heritage, as the products will be photographed, archived, described, geotagged and made accessible on the Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity website.

About Slow Food Scotland

Slow Food Scotland (SCIO 45764) is the national Slow Food body working to promote ‘good, clean, and fair food for everyone’ across Scotland.

Part of one of the largest international food communities with active groups in 190 countries, Slow Food Scotland runs the Ark of Taste, Chef Alliance, and Taste Adventure programmes nationwide. Local groups across the country organise local/regional campaigns and activities, working with chefs, producers, schools, and others to promote the enjoyment of good, clean, fair, and culturally relevant food.

Slow Food Scotland has groups in Glasgow, Edinburgh, West of Scotland, Tayside, and Aberdeen. There is also a Slow Food Youth Network in Scotland.

Scottish Ark of Taste Commission Members:

Carina Contini – Contini Restaurants, Denise Walton – Peelham Farm, Fiona Richmond – Scotland Food & Drink, Pam Rodway – Soil Association, Wendy Barrie – Scottish Food Guide


Slow Food Scotland Ark of Taste Co-ordinator: Wendy Barrie, 07802 426205

John Cooke, 07866591885 [email protected], t: @slowfoodscot fb:slowfoodscotland

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