A journey along the Silk Road at The Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre 2012

17 Sep 2012 | English

Within the international Marketplace of the Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre 2012 a special area brings together nine countries between Caucasus and Central Asia (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Georgia, Uzbekistan) to represent the Silk Road. Nine stands, one for each country, where visitors can embark on a journey across Europe and Asia discovering the differences and similarities in taste and in the gastronomic culture of these countries.

Representing the great food biodiversity along the Silk Road are the representatives of numerous food communities and three Slow Food Presidia:
– Georgian Wine in Jars: wine fermented in terracotta jars using ancient winemaking techniques. 
– Pamir Mulberry: one of the staple foods of the high mountains of Tajikistan.
– Bostanlyk Ancient Varieties of Almonds: wild and domesticated almonds from a valley that has one of the greatest almond biodiversity on the planet.

An area of the Silk Road is dedicated to Marco Polo: a three year project which has taken scholars as well as practitioners across the two continents on the old Silk Road to investigate population genetics, taste genetics and food preference genetics in collaboration with Slow Food convivia and Terra Madre communities. Visitors can learn more about the project and its results and watch a film documenting the project from its inception.
The area is also represented in a conference, Flavors of the East (CF44 October 26, 2012 – 06:00 pm), where participants can learn more about the project from Enrico Balli, project manager of Marco Polo, Paolo Gasparini, Scientific director of the project, and the local project coordinators. A screening of the documentary on the project will also take place during the conference.

Details of the program and entrance tickets are available here:  http://salonedelgustoterramadre.slowfood.com/
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