A guided tour at Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre 2014 – Stop-over one

24 Oct 2014 | English

Conferences, movies, taste workshops, cooking school, Terra Madre encounters… Each edition of Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre is a mix of classical ingredients, with a pinch of novelties. In the next four days, we are taking you on a guided tour through the diversity of this unique event.

Slow Food Web Radio is born! Launched at Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre 2014, the web radio will be exploring culture, food, traditions, gastronomy and music, as well as offering content for everyone and giving a voice to those who normally do not have access to this means of communication. Radio is not an unknown media to Slow Food: forty years ago, Slow Food founders created Radio Bra Onde Rosse, a pirate radio station that soon became a historical and political reference point in the Italian cultural landscape. Today, with the web, Slow Food will be reaching the whole world. The radio will be focused on global topics related to the Slow Food movement and from the beginning the programming will be in two languages, Italian and English.

Tune into Slow Food Web Radio, which is currently broadcasting live from Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre 2014: http://slowfoodradio.org/home-en/

Each day, conferences on the key issues of the current food system gather Terra Madre delegates, experts on the subject and the general public. Yesterday the program included seeds and food sovereignty, food waste and family farming. These conferences are an opportunity for the Terra Madre delegates to exchange stories of the problems they face in their respective countries, analyze how similar and different their unique culture and traditions are from one other, as well as share successes and solutions for the challenges still ahead. They also offer to the general public a unique insider view on food issues from all over the world.

Accounts of Slow Food projects revolving around family farming were high in the agenda yesterday, whether on a global level or specifically in Africa.

After the now famous Enoteca, Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre welcome the Mixology Bar. No smoky atmosphere, music, shouting or shoving here; rather, a series of events that explore drinks through the lens of Slow Food values of good, clean and fair. From the history of gin to the secrets of tequila making, via the differences between a long drink and a sparkly cocktail, each event will bring a new light on your drinks cabinet.

Want the perfect recipe for gin martini as well as some historical background on gin? Please follow the master bartender, who held the “Gin Stories” workshop yesterday.

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