Slow Fish Network

Slow Fish is a global network that serves as a platform for knowledge exchange between various traditional fishing communities. The network  strivsto highlight the communites’cultural and environmental significance, by advocating for the protection of aquatic ecosystems, along with the people who depend on them.


Slow Fish  unites all participants involved in the seafood value chain—from coastal and inland fisheries to cooks and consumers as well as experts, journalists, students, and many others. The aim is to keep a dialogue open and strengthen relationships that are indispensable for a healthy and sustainable production chain.

  • Main Goals

    The Slow Fish Network is committed to supporting small-scale fishing communities in their role as food providersand as they possess the skills and knowledge required to sustain and manage our aquatic ecosystems. Ourvision entails a comprehensive approach, including actions relating to advocacy, fishery management, consumer awareness, market access, and the value chain as a whole.

    The main goals are:

    • Establish alliances to create impact at a policy level: Given the complexity of the issues related to fisheries and the multiple institutional levels involved in regulating them,  webelievs in the importance of teaming up with other local and international organizations. By joining forces, wecan better advocate for the rights of small-scale fishing communities and the use of sustainable practices. The network wants communities to be empowered, whilst upholding environmental integrity.
    • Enhance participation of fishing communities to the management of resources: Fishery management is key to maintaining the livelihood of coastal communities and the sustainability of fish stocks. In this context, we promote management systems that ensure the active participation of communities, who can bring in their local expertise,The goal is to foster the implementation of models, aligning with local needs and ensuring mutual responsibility of parties. This in turn enhances the social, ecological, and cultural fabric of these communities.
    • Improve knowledge and raise awareness: Raising awareness about the political and social dynamics related to seafood production is a key step to achieving positive change. Preserving freshwater ecosystems is imperative. The network aims to encourage informed consumer choices,  following seasons and valuing  biological and cultural diversity. This can be achieved by facilitating spaces for dialogue and valorizing small-scale fishing communities and indigenous knowledge to foster the exchange of best practices.
    • Foster equitable, traceable, and simple supply chains:  We aim to enhance the economic sustainability of those engaged in responsible and sustainable fishing practices. To do so, Slow Fish works to favor the establishment of fair and equitable relationships along the value chain by promoting trust and the creation of alliances between fishing communities, consumers, retailers, and chefs.

    The Slow Fish Network aspires to help establish the image of aquatic natural resources as something that has to be shared and valued (the  blue commons concept),to foster the long-term resilience of ecosystems and the well-being of those who rely on these resources for their livelihoods.

  • What We Do

  • What You Can Do

Our Global Network

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