Political Recommendations

Slow Food calls on all in power to:

  1. Ensure everyone has access to good, clean and fair food;
  2. Prioritize the needs of people over corporate interests—especially women, youth, Indigenous peoples, and the most marginalized;
  3. Promote agroecology as the future of sustainable food system and support all farmers and fishers in the transition towards ecosystem-friendly production;
  4. Support the development of shorter and more resilient food supply chains;
  5. Radically transform the food system, which is a major cause of the climate crisis;
  6. Commit to reducing the production and consumption of industrial animal products and promote sustainable farming systems;
  7. Halve global food waste from farm to fork by 2030, in line with United Nations targets;
  8. Protect and promote biodiversity in our waters, soil, seeds, and diets;
  9. End world hunger and tackle all forms of malnutrition, including obesity;
  10. Promote the right to healthy and sustainable food over the pursuit of economic growth

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