Table for Nine Billions

Promoting Europe’s role in growing food and climate justice worldwide

The project focuses on enhancing the overall role of Europe in reforming the global food system in a way that can ensure the universal right to adequate food.

  • The Project

    Financed by the European Commission, the project started in early 2014 as part of the “Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development” programme. Its main aim is to raise public awareness on development issues. It focuses on enhancing the overall role of Europe in reforming the global food system in a way that can ensure the universal right to adequate food. This goal cannot be met without fixing the imbalances of the current global food system that is cutting out hundreds of millions of poor smallholder farmers. As the availability of natural resources decreases and different parties compete for these resources, there is a clear need for states, private companies and citizens to support policies, practices and actions that will enable food to be grown in a more sustainable and efficient way: that is sharing the world’s limited resources in a more equal way and adopting more sustainable approaches to food production and consumption. The various project components intend to increase the engagement of consumers, companies and political decision makers across 12 EU countries in promoting fairer policies and sustainable practices to support small-scale producers and ensure food security. The project partnership is led by Oxfam Italia.

  • Main Goals

    Objectives: enhance the overall role of Europe in reforming the global food system to ensure the universal right to adequate food.

    Specific objectives: increase the engagement of consumers, companies and political decision makers across 12 EU countries in promoting fairer policies and sustainable behaviours and practices to support smallholder food producers’ and contribute to food security.

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