Food Heroes

Our compass for a future of solidarity

The project aims to encourage and celebrate the virtuous initiatives in the food world that are reacting to the Covid-19 emergency with ideas that may inspire others. A European campaign will be designed using the stories, comprising a digital catalogue, physical exhibitions and a social media campaign. At least one exhibition will be organized during the project lifetime and the circulation of the format will be spread throughout Europe thanks to Slow Food network. A version of the digital catalogue for schoolchildren will be realized and spread.

  • The Project

    Through our network in Europe and beyond, we collect emblematic and successful good practices and tell their stories in a creative way so that they can reach a wider audience and be an inspiration especially for young people.
    These new or existing food-related initiatives across Europe help strengthen the sense of solidarity in times of crisis and give hope for the future, inspiring new paths to fight the crisis and take action to build a more cohesive and community-oriented society.
  • The Stories

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