
The 4Cities4Dev project, co-financed by the European Union, was formed by the collaborative efforts of four European cities – Turin, which acts as the project leader, Tours, Bilbao, and Riga – along with Slow Food.

  • The Project

    The project brings together the role of the cities, as active players in local politics and decentralized cooperation, with Slow Food’s approach, which is based on the involvement of food communities, citizens, and consumers.

    4Cities4Dev revolves around the experience of Slow Food’s food communities: groups of people who produce, process, and distribute high-quality, sustainable food, while conserving strong social, economic, and historical ties to their territories.

    The four European cities “adopt” seven food communities that are found in Senegal, Mauritania, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Kenya, Mali, and the Ivory Coast.

    “Adopting” a food community means allowing the European cities to get to know these realities from up close, with the support of Slow Food’s work and the launching of institutional relationships among the partner cities, the food communities, and the local authorities.

    The objective of supporting the food communities is to increase the awareness, on the part of European cities, of responsible consumption and the consequences of their own personal eating habits. The fight against poverty requires that both individuals and local institutions take on responsible and sober behavior.

  • Main Goals

    To mobilize greater public support for action against poverty, targeting EU citizens in order to make them more aware, responsible and active vis-à-vis food security policy and sustainable development in the development co-operation context.

  • The Partnership

    The 4Cities4Dev project is funded by the European Union and is led by the City of Turin. The other partners are Slow Food, the City of Tours, the City of Bilbao and the City of Riga.

    The cities are participating by adopting food communities in Africa and by organizing their own local events.

    Partner contact information:


    International Cooperation and Peace Sector
    Via delle Orfane 22
    10122 Turin, Italy
    Telephone: +39 011 442 49 27
    Fax: +39 011 443 48 88
    Email: [email protected]


    1 à 3 Rue del Minimes
    37926 TOURS CEDEX 9, France
    Telephone: +33 02 47 21 60 00
    Fax: +33 02 47 21 69 36


    Health and Consumer Area
    Calle Ugalde 7
    48012 Bilbao, Spain
    Telephone: +34 94 420 49 00
    Email: [email protected]

    City Development Department
    Ratslaukums 1
    LV-1539 Riga, Latvia
    Telephone: +371 670 26 101
    Fax: +371 670 26 184
    email: [email protected]




    Piazza XX Settembre 5
    12042 Bra (CN), Italy
    Telephone: +39 0172 419 611
    Fax: +39 0172 421 293
    email: [email protected]

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