New Slow Food Earth Market in Africa Inaugurated in Njoro Today

06 Dic 2024 | English

Njoro Earth Market will be held weekly on Fridays

The network of Earth Markets—farmers’ markets that follow Slow Food principles—continues to expand in Kenya. After Gilgil, Kagio, Molo, Muranga, Nakuru, and Embu, the last Njoro Earth Market in Africa inaugurated in Njoro, bringing the total number of markets in the country to seven, out of a worldwide total of 100.

The Njoro Earth Market is located in Njoro Sub-County, at Egerton Gate center, adjacent to Mogas Petrol Station. Njoro is an agricultural town situated about 18 km southwest of Nakuru, on the western rim of the Rift Valley. It is known for its agricultural research and education, being home to the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) and Egerton University. It lies at an altitude of approximately 2,423 meters (7,959 feet) above sea level.

The opening takes place today at Egerton Gate center, next to Egerton University, from 10am until 3pm. In addition to stands with products for sale, representatives of local institutions, supporting organizations, market managers and Slow Food Kenya are taking part and welcome the public.

Njoro Earth Market is established by the will of the of Slow Food Kenya, Earth Market Njoro producers, Slow Food Presidia producers such as Lare Pumpkin presidium, and stakeholders like Bee my Partner group Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN), Bio Vision Africa Trust (BvAT), PELUM Kenya, Njoro Municipality and County Government of Nakuru leadership.  Njoro Earth Market has been facilitated and funded by Kenya Organic Agriculture Network and Pelum Kenya through Slow Food Kenya.

As Slow Food Kenya organizes the launch of the Njoro Slow Food Earth Market, different stakeholders are involved which support agroecology work in the region; they include PercMacks company and Nakuru living lab (Egerton University).

There has been close collaboration also between members of the Cooks Alliance of Kenya, Slow Food Gardens members, the County Government of Nakuru, the media and other stakeholders, including the Feeding the futures organization. Consumers will get a steady supply of traditional and indigenous foods that are not common in the conventional market.

All stakeholders have been involved in the Earth Market in Africa inaugurated in Njoro today, with training and planning meetings.

Mike Muikia, Njoro Earth Market’s spokesperson, declares: “Slow Food Njoro Earth Market’s producers are excited to launch the seventh Earth Market in Kenya. The Njoro Earth Market will offer good, clean and fair food to residents. The market means revitalizing local economies, empowering local community, strengthening the food system, and more importantly supporting producers by ensuring that consumers have access to fresh, healthy and affordable food. It also presents an opportunity for Njoro farmers to commercialize their products thereby increasing demand for agroecological products. By supporting Earth Markets, we are investing in our health, our land, and transformative food systems.”

The Earth Market in Africa inaugurated in Njoro today will allow local food communities to sell their agroecological produce such as bokashi, ash brew, honey, eggs, green local maize, spinach, mrenda, amaranth, mittoo, sukuma matumbo, sugarcane, maize, beans, potatoes and more, directly to consumers. The market will initially start with 21 producers.

For more information, contact Samson Ngugi at [email protected]


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