Slow Fish Caribe Activities
To promote traditional knowledge and consolidate the technical and administrative expertise of benefiting communities inside and outside protected areas in Colombia and Mexico in order to improve the management and use of natural marine and coastal resources and diversify the communities’ productive activities, hence to reduce the extraction of resources.
To increase the economic and social wellbeing of local communities and their commitment to conservation, and to promote sustainable management of marine and coastal zones through the sustainable use of local food resources as the driving force of local development with a cultural identity.
To offer ample access to the knowledge, experiences and results of different models of intervention in protected areas, spreading best practices in the Caribbean region, beginning with Slow Food’s Slow Fish Caribbean network.
Biological diversity, or biodiversity, refers to all the natural characteristics and forms of life present on Earth.
Our current biodiversity is the result of billions of years of evolution, molded by natural processes and, increasingly, human influence. It is the fabric of life, of which we humans are an integral part and on which we depend totally.
In general, when talking about biological diversity, we mean the large variety of plants, animals and microorganisms that populates the planet, but biodiversity also covers the genetic differences within individual species, such as the genetic diversity found in cultivated plants or livestock breeds. Another aspect of biodiversity is the variety of ecosystems found in deserts, forests, wetlands, mountains, lakes, rivers, oceans, farmland and other environments. In every
ecosystem all living beings, including humans, interact with each other and with the air, water and earth that surrounds them.
Biodiversity in the world’s oceans is still poorly understood, especially in understudied studied areas, such as the tropical oceans and the depths of the sea. However, marine ecosystems are exposed to multiple pressures that are commonly referred to as “global change.” The effects are observed throughout the planet: global warming, ocean acidification or overfishing; but they also happen at the regional level as is the case of eutrophication, contamination by toxins, invasive species or lack of oxygen.
If the Earth is the only place where human beings can live, it is precisely due to the connections between the different forms of life, which interact with each other and with the environment. Only biodiversity makes our existence possible, thanks to the wide range of goods and services it offers us. That is why it is vital to restore marine ecosystems and make sustainable use of them.
The Caribbean is one of the hot spots of biodiversity designated as a global priority for protection due to its high content of biological heritage and its precariousness.
The Ark of Taste travels the world collecting small-scale quality productions that belong to the cultures, history and traditions of the entire planet: an extraordinary heritage of fruits, vegetables, animal breeds, cheeses, breads, sweets, fish, shellfish…
Within the area of the Slow Fish Caribe there are already 20 different products in the Ark of Taste and two Slow Food Presidia.
Ark of Taste
- Bami (Colombia)
- Basket Pepper (Colombia)
- Bittersweet (Colombia)
- Bread Fruit (Colombia)
- Caracol Wilks (Colombia)
- Chaya (Mexico)
- Chiltepin Chile (Mexico)
- Chub (Colombia)
- Conserva de Jubaleen (Colombia)
- Icao (Colombia)
- Jun Plum (Colombia)
- Mantequilla avocado (Colombia)
- Mango Chancleto (Colombia)
- Mango de Azucar (Colombia)
- Papaya bread (Colombia)
- Sea weed (Colombia)
- Soda Cake (Colombia)
Slow Food Presidia: discover on the map!
The Slow Fish Caribe aims to establish itself as a network made up of individual small-scale fishers, representatives from fisher organizations, fishmongers, marine biologists, anthropologists, cooks and restaurant owners, students, concerned citizens, journalists, filmmakers, teachers, researchers, consultants and environmentalists, artists, event organizers, among many others.
The diversity of the different perspectives, engaged in an ongoing open and transparent dialogue that is not afraid to tackle complexity, contradictions and uncertainties, allows the network and whoever is interested to broaden their knowledge and understanding of the issue, while providing energy and motivation to continue working together for a better future for coastal and inland fishers within the Caribbean region.
Here you are first Slow Fish Caribe network:
- Asociacion Afrocolombiana De Pescadores Con Cordel (APESCORDEL)
- Asociación San Juanera De Pescadores Artesanales
- Old Providence and Santa Catalina Fishing and Farming Cooperative Enterprise
- Asociación de pescadores artesanales del Caribe Sur (ASOPACS)
- Estación Experimental de Pastos y Forrajes “Indio Hatuey”
- Lighthouse Foundation, Stiftung für die Meere und Ozeane
- Comité de pescadores artesanales de la Aldea Quetzalito, pertenecientes a la Federación Nacional de Pescadores Artesanales de Guatemala FENAPESCA
- Fundación Mundo Azul
- Centro de Estudios Marinos
- Belize Federation of Fishers
- Mesoamerican Reef Fund Inc. – MAR Fund
- Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas CONANP