Slow Food in Slovakia celebrates food biodiversity with the opening of the Karva Earth Market
22 Mai 2024 | English
On May 25, the fifth Degustorium Festival will take place in Kravany on the Danube,
and the Earth Market will open.
With World Biodiversity Day just away, Slow Food Slovakia is taking an important step in its celebrations with the inauguration of the Karva Earth Market on May 25.
Kravany is a small village on the Danube River in southern Slovakia. It is a place rich in history, famous for its castles and rich in agriculture. The market takes place once a month on Saturdays from 9.00 to 13.00, next to the town hall, the lookout tower, and the cycle paths (Danube Corso).
The market can be reached by car (parking is available in the nearby parking lot), by bicycle on the bicycle path, by bus from the surrounding towns and villages, from Hungary by boat, by ferry in Radvan nad Dunajom as well as over the bridge in Sturovo and in Komárno. The customers come from the whole region as well as from Hungary.
At the market there is a possibility of lunch for visitors. Farma Góra prepares excellent lángoše in different ways. For dessert, there are strudel, various sourdough pastries and various herbal waters, fruit, and vegetable juices. In addition, there is a bistro on the Dunajské Korzo that offers excellent coffee, beer and, in time, other delicacies.
In the past, Kravany nad Dunajom was known for the production of fruit, vegetables and other agricultural products for the local population as well as for people from the left bank of the Danube who used to work in various factories.
Petra Molnárová of Slow Food Pressburg says: „The Earth Market is driven by a collective will to preserve local food cultures, promote sustainable agriculture and foster community resilience. Rooted in the principles of the Slow Food movement, it aims to create a more sustainable and equitable food system by reconnecting consumers with the origins of their food, supporting small-scale producers and promoting responsible consumption practices. The initiative is motivated by a shared vision of preserving biodiversity, ensuring access to healthy, quality food for all, and empowering local communities to take ownership of their food systems.”
Jana Pémová, Slow Food Karva Earth Market representative, adds: „With this project we want to support the creation of the Slowdown Cultural Center. We want to return to rural values, support the local economy and community, and create experiential and educational opportunities for children and adults. Organic farming is an essential part of the journey towards a sustainable lifestyle. The project will include educational activities, lectures on farming and organic food, led by local farmers and artisans, workshops for children that will focus on creating and improving the surrounding environment, and video tutorials.”
Kravany Earth Market has been organized with the help of the municipality of Kravany nad Dunajom and Slow Food Pressburg.
The Slow Food Market Karva cooperates with the Slow Food Earth Market in Bátovce, broadening the participants‘ knowledge through the exchange of experiences: the vendors have the opportunity to taste the atmosphere of the Earth Market in Bátovce and vice versa.
Degustorium is heading to the Danube region.
After four editions in Bratislava, the festival comes to Kravian on the Danube. On Saturday, May 25, 2024, dozens of family farms, and manufactories from Slovakia and abroad, chefs, nutritionists, ecologists, environmentalists, specialized importers of food that does not come from the region will present themselves in the Danube corridor and the surrounding area. They will bring quality artisan food, come to talk about their work, share experiences and discuss interesting topics.
Organized by Slow Food Pressburg, Degustorium is a festival that, for one day, becomes an authentic place for meeting, getting to know and connecting producers of quality food and those who are in some way involved in their production with consumers for whom quality is a dominant priority. The festival is a great opportunity to present quality products and exceptional people who are part of their story. It creates space for the exchange of experiences, offers inspiration. The program includes interesting panel discussions on attractive topics, exceptional speakers, tastings, lectures, workshops, live cooking, and there is also a market and street food.
The opening of the Karva Earth Market is part of the „Road to Terra Madre“ events.
Terra Madre Salone del Gusto is organized by Slow Food, the City of Turin and the Piedmont Region. It will take place in Parco Dora, Turin (Italy), from Thursday, September 26 to Monday, September 30, 2024, and explore how food can restore our relationship with nature.
Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2024 is not confined to Parco Dora from September 26 to 30. The event is preceded by a long journey, The Road to Terra Madre, starting in Turin and spreading out across the world with a series of initiatives to change our food systems.
For more info:
Petra Molnarova
+421 905 877088
Jana Pémová
Slow Food Karva Earth Market
Slow Food Press Office
Paola Nano – [email protected] (+39) 329 8321285
Alessia Pautasso – [email protected] (+39) 342 8641029
Slow Food is a global network of local communities founded in 1989 to prevent the disappearance of local food cultures and traditions and counteract the rise of fast food culture. Since its founding, Slow Food has grown into a global movement involving millions of people in over 160 countries, working to ensure that everyone has access to good, clean and fair food. Slow Food is the umbrella organization responsible for guiding the entire movement.
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