Youth & Food

Food as a Vehicle for Inclusion

Piloted in the regions of Piedmont and Sicily, Youth & Food promotes the inclusive growth of 60 young migrants aged between 17 and 21 through programs that promote food as a vehicle for integration, economic growth, employment and social development. The project implements a tailored educational program in the agri-food sector to facilitate their integration into the workforce, combining formal and informal training with a focus on gastronomic mediation. 

The project also arranges internships in relevant companies based on the skills and interests of each individual, and includes the establishment of a fund to support the launch of three entrepreneurial projects.

  • The Context

    The integration of young migrants in Italy is a significant focal point for fostering social cohesion and equal opportunity. Various initiatives and programs support the integration process, including language courses, vocational training and educational support. Tailored to meet specific needs, these initiatives empower young migrants by equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in their new environment. 

    Community engagement activities, cultural exchanges and mentorship programs further contribute to fostering connections and bridging communities. By promoting inclusivity and providing support networks, Italy is working to ensure that young migrants can fully participate in society and contribute to its diverse cultural fabric. 

  • Main Goals

    • Facilitate integration and raise awareness through food.
    • Launch training courses in companies to promote social and professional integration.
    • Finance three entrepreneurial projects, providing specific training for gastronomic mediators for further integration opportunities.
    • Empower participants through accommodation and support in housing and cohousing solutions.
    • Create favorable conditions for critical understanding of the migration process.
    • Foster social networks and citizen involvement in gastronomic events and culinary workshops.
    • Drive debate through conferences and awareness-raising tools.
    • Develop skills through education paths to generate entrepreneurial projects beyond the project’s completion.
  • The Partnership

    The partnership includes:

    Slow Food

    Al Kharub social cooperative

    Sanitaria Delfino Società Cooperativa Sociale

    Coop.Meeting Service Catering

    Multiethnic Association of Intercultural Mediators (AMMI)

    City of Turin

    Service VIII - Agrigento Employment Center

    C.P.I.A. of Agrigento.

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