Slow Beans – The event

Capannori, Lucca (Tuscany, Italy)

28 Okt. - 29 Okt. 2023

Slow Beans is a traveling event where visitors can get to know producers who grow legumes all over Italy and beyond.

Much more than a market, producers share their spirit of conviviality, the flavors they cultivate, the biodiversity they preserve and their knowledge “from earth to table,” offering tastings of their beans.

After the first edition in 2010, the event grew richer every year, with more visitors and a more extensive program, until eventually it moved to Lucca (Tuscany, Italy). Since then, Slow Beans has evolved further, becoming an even greater opportunity for meeting and exchange between what are known as Leguminous Communities.

 Since 2015, Slow Beans has grown from event to network. Key events, like the Earth and Biodiversity Market, held each year in San Giorgio Canavese (Piedmont, Italy), serve as a pivotal gathering for commerce and community.

In 2023 it was held in Polizzi Generosa (Palermo, Sicily, Italy) on August 4 and 5 and in Capannori (Tuscany, Italy) on October 27-28.

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