What Mom Wants

08 May 2011

Mother’s Day is one of the business days of the year for restaurants, and a handful of American Slow Food chapters and mothers’ networks have taken the opportunity to promote eating good food everyday – including special occasions – and remind the public of some of the offending issues surrounding food today

Slow Food Columbia has partnered with Buy South Carolina to launch the “Eat, Drink & Be Local” campaign to encourage diners to choose locally owned restaurants over chains – especially for special occasions such as Mother’s Day. The idea being reinforced is that choosing a local business means that more money stays in the community instead of being directed to a corporate headquarters in another town, state or country and that the dollar can trickle down to suppliers and farmers in the region, building a stronger local economy.

Across the country, Slow Food convivia are also organizing events to share good food, prepared from local, sustainable produce. In Ohio, Slow Food Columbus has organized a potluck lunch at a local dairy farm to celebrate Mother’s Day, inviting families to enjoy exploring a farm before sitting down to share a meal. Diners will experience the stages of organic milk production – from the cow to the table – and then try the products in a meal prepared with farm-fresh dairy products and have the opportunity to talk with the producers.

A national campaign is also being launched this Mother’s Day to raise awareness of antibiotics in food through industrial animal farming. The “Moms for Antibiotic Awareness” campaign is bringing together parents with food professionals and companies to advocate for the phasing out of the misuse and overuse of antibiotics in food animal production to help reduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The campaign is generating awareness of a pending federal U.S. bill that could reduce exposure to antiboitics from food sources, which come from overuse of antibiotics in livestock farming. As many as eight in 10 moms agree that they are concerned about farms animals being given antibiotics, according to a Pew survey, and 75% say they support antibiotic farming regulations.

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