Terra Madre Salone del Gusto – The First Steps

28 Jan 2020

There are just over 250 days until we open the gates at Lingotto Fiere and inaugurate the 13th edition of Terra Madre Salone del Gusto, from October 8-12 in Turin.

At the beginning of February, a rudimentary version of the event website will go online, with everything we can tell you so far… though of course, most of the juiciest details which we’re working on – the graphics, the events in the program, our partners and their activities, the special areas – will be revealed on June 4th at the official presentation.

That being said, it’s not all being kept secret: from February we’ll begin telling you the first stories of our protagonists at Terra Madre Salone del Gusto, the people that make this a truly unique and unmissable event unlike any other in the world.

Where should we start?


Where better than the first exhibitors who’ve signed up to take part in the Market, who’ll be organized according to a new event geography based on four ecosystems – with their physical, ecological and cultural elements – rather than national borders.


International knowledge exchange is at the heart of Terra Madre Salone del Gusto, and at the 2020 edition we’ll be enhancing this process by organizing the event according to ecosystems, rather than countries

That’s why in the Water Lands you will find Italian rice producers from the plains of Piedmont next to producers from China or the Philippines who grow rice on terraces or compare different types of botargo – Sardinian, Tuscan, Sicilian –  with analogous productions from other parts of the world. In the Highlands you’ll meet herders and cheesemakers who produce natural cheese from grass-fed milk, and all the other traditional foods made at high altitude, from Andean potatoes to amaranth and teff, as well as cereals and legumes. The Lowlands are where small-scale artisans contrast more sharply with the world of industrial agriculture: you know the difference between a large, intensive farm and a diversified farm with a small number of animals raised with respect for their welfare? Finally, there’s the Urban Lands pavilion: because we really couldn’t ignore the ecosystem where the majority of humanity lives: cities are potentially the most innovative places on the planet (as well as the theater of social conflict and economic inequality), which have the critical mass and resources to experiment with bold, courageous initiatives.

As we get closer to the event we’ll give a voice to these protagonists, and we’ll suggest various different ways of approaching your visit to the event.


As in every edition of the event, in 2020 there’ll be a large participation of delegates from around the world, even more than usual as the 8th Slow Food International Congress will be held concurrently with Terra Madre Salone del Gusto from October 8 to 12 at Lingotto, Turin.

Terra Madre Salone del Gusto and the International Congress will work side-by-side to propose a coherent vision, each one complementing the other. They’ll confront the same themes in different ways, with the goal of shaping the future of food, accrediting Slow Food as The Food Movement par excellence: the recognized world leader in changing the food system, thanks to its projects and the widespread diffusion of its network.


Exploring new tastes and smells at Terra Madre Salone del Gusto

Keep an eye on the stories of the delegates which we’ll be publishing – they’re beautiful, powerful, inspirational, and they tell us a different future is truly possible, one where the planet, people and all living things are afforded the dignity they deserve.


The international delegates allow us to discover the foods of the world, and understand the challenges they face every day, but we can’t forget the energy which the Piedmont Region and the City of Turin contribute in order to make Terra Madre Salone del Gusto possible.

We’re talking about the hospitality project, which every two years generates new friendships, testament to the warm welcome and generosity which are typical of Piedmont. In 2018 over 200 families hosted Terra Madre delegates in Turin, with over 1300 beds made available in the more than 120 cities of Terra Madre which are spread across five provinces of Piedmont. In 2020 we want to go even further, and make Piedmont’s name as a region which opens its doors to the world ever wider, and ever prouder.

So as well as the stories of food producers and delegates, we’ll give a voice to mayors, associations and families that work together with Terra Madre Salone del Gusto with all their passion.

Stay tuned! We’re almost there, and we’re going to make Terra Madre Salone del Gusto an incredible experience for everyone involved.

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