Terra Madre Brazil 2020: a new chapter for good, clean and fair food for all

21 Oct 2020

Adapting is necessary, and talking about family and peasant agriculture, biodiversity and Brazilian food culture is an urgent issue.

These are the main topics for discussion in the 3rd edition of Terra Madre Brazil (TMB), which will have an online format and will bring together various actors in the Slow Food network mosaic, such as family farmers, artisanal fishermen, cheesemakers, beekeepers, quilombolas, indigenous traditional peoples and communities, activists, journalists, and cooks.

“Before the pandemic, the Slow Food Brazil network and the event’s partner organizations were already mobilized, awaiting this opportunity for debate and exchange, dissemination of projects and strengthening of alliances. This way, the Slow Food movement in Brazil can continue with new breath in 2021,” evaluates Valentina Bianco, coordinator of institutional partnerships of the Slow Food Association of Brazil.


Despite the lack of face-to-face activities, the organization sees opportunities in the new format, such as “expanding the scope of the event, reducing costs, and also the idea of ​​being born in an environment where choices and consumption are made in a conscious way in the face of this new reality,” highlights Guilherme Cerqueira Martins e Souza, Market Intelligence coordinator of the Bahia Proditiva Project, carried out by CAR.

A member of the Slow Food network, goat cheese producer, and president of the Central da Caatinga cooperative center, Adilson Ribeiro, considers the event an important chapter for family farming, “It will be a very rich space for exchanging experiences, knowledge and understanding opportunities. Being part of this network brings us great enrichment not only in knowledge but also in the development of regional cultures that have been lost over time.”

For the cook and leader of the Slow Food Cooks Alliance, Eliane Regis, the expectation is that “through multicultural exchanges and sharing experiences, we can adapt experiences and implement them in the Brazilian reality.” width=


The taste workshops promote the education of taste, deepening the senses so that the public can recognize the specificities of so many foods and unique preparations from different territories and ecosystems. The activity includes the presence of farmers, cooks, fishermen, honey producers, cheese makers, mixologists, and more, always counting on a moderator with connections with the theme presented.

How it is made
Here you will learn how food is made. In Como se Faz, it will be possible to learn a little more about the food system, about how food is produced, and how food is grown, harvested, and processed.

Food Talks
Sharing reflections on food and its interfaces with culture, politics, social justice, and ecology, from the perspective of farmers, researchers, journalists, and other social actors that contribute to rethinking the food system.

Casa de Farinha
Here, Manioc, the queen of Brazil has its space of prominence! Through images and sounds, the installation will lead visitors to an immersion in the universe of flour and the main ways of making manioc flour throughout Brazil. It will be possible to know the houses and flour mills, the ways of making, and the similarities and differences between them.


The market is the place of encounters, smells, knowledge, and cultures that are symbolized in food and brought by those who produce it. In the online edition, despite the impossibility of transposing such an experience, we could not fail to bring this space to the event. We will present an interactive map, where it will be possible to get to know products, cooperatives, and associations of producers and the incredible Brazilian socio-biodiversity, in addition to discovering where you can buy these foods.

Conversation and Dialogues
Here, debates will take place on the various themes that Slow Food addresses within the thematic axes of food culture, biodiversity, political influence, and social mobilization, addressed by guests who deal with them in their daily activities. On Black Awareness Day, we will have a special program within the theme of Diaspora and Afro Brazilian cuisine. At the weekend, we will start the days with the Dialogues, which will bring denunciations on Saturday and announcements on Sunday, setting the tone for the respective days.

Slow Food in Film
The Brazilian version is a free interpretation of Slow Food on Film, organized by activists from the Slow Food Brazil network, which takes advantage of the audiovisual and cinematographic language to bring the political, poetic, ecological, socio-cultural, health, and subsistence nuances to the principles and ideals of the Slow Food movement, always accompanied by debate.

Artistic Presentations
Along with SF in the Film, artistic presentations make up the cultural program of our meeting, to renew spirits and relax at the end of the day with artists who dialogue with the values ​​and struggles of the Slow Food movement. width=

For the full schedule, visit the Terra Madre Brazil 2020 website. All activities will be broadcast on the event’s website and on Slow Food Brasil’s social media. Sign up and activate notifications on the YouTube channel follow the fan page on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter profiles to see what’s new!

TMB, which is supported by the Government of the State of Bahia, through the Regional Development and Action Company / Rural Development Secretariat (CAR / SDR), is part of the international event Terra Madre – Salone del Gusto 2020, which was launched on October 8 and continues for six months until April 2021, culminating in the International Slow Food Congress.


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