Soil Associations

10 Apr 2007

Over 24,000 farmers in Guba Lafto and Habru, two woredas in North Wollo Zone in Ethiopia’s Amhara State have prepared over 196,000 cubic meters of organic fertilizer. The compost will save the farmers a sum of more than seven million birr, which they would otherwise have spent on chemical fertilizers. The Guba Lafto and Habru woreda offices say the new fertilizer will enable them to develop over 10,000 hectares of farmland.

A woreda, or wereda, is an Ethiopian administrative ward, or local government, the equivalent of a district. Woredas are made up of a number of kebele, or neighborhood associations, the smallest unit of local government in the country. Woredas are normally gathered together into zones, which form a kilil (regional administration), but some, known as special woredas are not part of a zone and function as autonomous entities.

Though some woredas can be traced back to very times (the Yem special woreda and the Gera and Goma woredas mark the boundaries of kingdoms absorbed into Ethiopia) many were created more recently. Since 2002, single woredas have assumed more authority thanks to the transfer of staff and funds from regional governments.

The Ethiopian Herald

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