Slow Food Youth Network is baking: the SFYN Bread festival will be online soon!

25 May 2020

On Saturday May 30th the Slow Food Youth Network is launching an online event dedicated to worldwide types of bread and traditional bakery products: the SFYN Bread Festival​!

Bread is the staple food in many cultures in the world. It takes different shapes and colors, according to the local ingredients used and the traditional ways of eating. It is something that must always be on the table, that gives us a sense of comfort and whose smell when freshly baked is one of the most pleasant ones ever. For this reason, SFYN decided to explore the cultural biodiversity of our communities and to ask local bakers and baking lovers to share with us their own special recipes.


“Baking is an act of resistance. From the wheat to the baked food, each part of the process is telling a story. It’s the story of the earth, of the seed, of how this was cultivated, mashed, fermented, and baked until transforming itself into a wholesome, complete food. Baking is also a sociocultural resistance to preserve the knowledge of the historical development of each bread and its process. Finally, let’s not forget the importance of the artisan: it is of massive importance that our bread comes from an artisanal production and not industrial because the artisan conveys additional value to the bread. Bread means for me resistance for its symbolic value as food, life, hearth, and culture.” Nazareno Iovino, co-organizer of the SFYN Bread Festival, artisanal baker at Panaderia Annapurna, Buenos Aires.


Nazareno and Guadalupe baking at Panaderia Annapurna, Buenos Aires

The SFYN Bread Festival will take place on Saturday May 30th: it will start in the early morning with freshly baked sourdough croissants and go on the whole day with bread from all the continents until late night. All-day long young SFYN artisans from all over the world will show their traditional recipes and tips via Instagram live streams. You will be able to enter their kitchens and learn how to make the perfect sourdough bread, Italian focaccia, Indian fried bread, Mexican sweet bread and so on! Not only that: the young artisans will also share the list of ingredients for their preparations, so that if you want you can also bake together with them.

The live streams will be announced on the @​slowfoodyouthnetwork​ Instagram and they will take place on the bakers’ profiles. The agenda will be soon shared on the Slow Food Youth Network ​Facebook event​ and social media.



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