Slow Food Capacity Buildings: Building New Leadership for good, clean and fair food in Europe

21 Feb 2022

Slow Food cultivates a global network of local communities who defend cultural and biological diversity, educate and mobilize people, and influence policies in the public and private sectors. For this reason, Slow Food will organize 3 capacity building sessions targeted at European Slow Food activists.

These capacity building sessions will build new skills for European activists, with the goal of providing spaces for knowledge exchange, discussion on strategies and on tools to carry out effective actions at grassroots level.

General Objectives:

  • To strengthen knowledge, skills, activism and the creation of new leadership in the Slow Food network in Europe
  • Identify and train new activists of the Slow Food network in Europe
  • Disseminate knowledge about the philosophy, political structure, organization and programs – specifically on the 3 Pillars of Slow Food strategy

Slow Food will organize 3 online capacity buildings, each of them dedicated to one of the three Pillars of the Slow Food global Strategy: one training on Biodiversity, one on Education and one on Advocacy.

Each capacity building will be composed of 2-3 sessions of 2 hours each with intermediate tasks, from April to May 2022, via the Zoom platform, during which participants will have the opportunity to learn more about methodologies, projects and initiatives that can be implemented in their communities.

Participation to these capacity buildings is open to anyone in the Slow Food network in Europe (according to the selection criteria). Each participant will apply to one of the 3 capacity buildings offered, according to their interests and preferred area of action.

Selection Criteria

The capacity building sessions are open to individuals who:

  • Belong to an active Slow Food Community or Convivium in Europe or involved in one of the project or initiative
  • Speak English (basic knowledge requested)

Preferential requirements, in order of importance:

  • Being between 18 – 35 years old;
  • Not having attended previous international trainings promoted by Slow Food

The Slow Food Europe Office, in consultation with regional councilors, leaders and national associations, will select a heterogeneous, complementary and representative group of participants in terms of gender, age, roles in food systems (farmers and food producers, cooks, educators, communicators and co-producers).

Expectations from the candidates:

  • Active participation in all the meetings of the specific session
  • Elaboration of the suggested tasks
  • Exchange of the acquired knowledge with their local communities.

All participants who successfully complete the training cycle will receive a certificate issued by Slow Food International.

Application process

Candidates will have to fill out the application form, dedicated to the Capacity Building on the Pillar they will choose:

Applications are due by April 6th. Selection of the participants will be confirmed and finalized soon after.


PLEASE NOTE: The form does not guarantee participation in the training, it will be considered only as an application form, not a registration form. The Slow Food Europe office will consider the information received and evaluate the characteristics of the candidate, reserving the right to select the participant(s) (Selection criteria:)

For any additional information, please write to: [email protected]

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