Slow Food at Bristol Food Connections

23 Apr 2014

From May 1-11, 2014, the city of Bristol, with its diversity of communities and food cultures, will host Bristol Food Connections, an event dedicated to food traditions, education, diversity and taste. Slow Food will be in the midst, bringing the good, clean and fair message with a market and a pop-up pizzeria area.


One of the hubs of British food culture and home to proudly maintained culinary heritage and diversity, Bristol will host an expected 175,000 people and over 200 organizations and groups, including universities and BBC Radio 4 for the 11 days of the event. The event aims to highlight good food projects and celebrate artisanal products.


Slow Food’s contribution features a market with locally produced quality British products that are at risk of extinction. The market showcases products listed in our Ark of Taste catalogue, which collects small-scale quality productions that belong to the cultures, history and traditions of the entire planet but whose existence is threatened. The Slow Food area will also offer traditional Italian pizza in the pop-up pizzeria, as well as workshops to raise awareness about the importance of locally sourced ingredients and the links between taste and environmentally friendly choices.

In addition, the Slow Food Youth Network will be holding an EAT-IN, a potluck dinner, in collaboration with the Sustainable Food Trust and Feeding the 5000 to champion good food and food culture in public through a shared meal. Everyone is invited to join and share in the food, drinks and conviviality.


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