Slow Fish 2013

13 Mar 2013

Slow Fish returns to Genoa (Italy) from Thursday May 9 to Sunday May 12, 2013, in the extensive and enjoyable outdoor spaces of the city’s Porto Antico. Dedicated to the world of fish and marine ecosystems, the event is organized by the Liguria Regional Authority and Slow Food.

This sixth edition of Slow Fish will open to the city with a free admission event, set up on the docks overlooking the sea, to bring the general public to the issues facing the marine environment and resources. As with any Slow Food event, Slow Fish facilitates direct experience through the involvement of visitors, creating greater awareness of the importance of our choices and our behavior in determining the state of health of the seas.

The Market stalls will offer a rich display of fresh and preserved fish, as well as oils, spices, salt, seaweed and other related products. The Italian and foreign exhibitors will offer products free of conservatives and artificial aromas, and are forbidden to sell bluefin tuna, swordfish, shark and salmon and other species at risk of extinction. The Presidia of the Sea are participating in the market as always, concrete examples of how fishers can find the right balance between continuing their traditional practices whilst protecting the delicate environment in which they work. Other Slow Food Presidia will also be present, from abroad but especially the more than 200 Italian projects, from vegetables to salami to cheese and bread.

Tours of the event are organized to give the general public, and especially children and students, the opportunity to meet the fishers and cooks and to learn from our reliable teachers how to choose the best fish – with respect for the season and minimum size – and to cook it to perfection.

Returning to Slow Fish are the Water Workshops, moments for experts and scientists to pass on information and studies to the public in a simple, straightforward way and Street Food area, which enable the guests to discover the gastronomic specialties of diverse regions, paired with wines in the Enoteca. Other traditional fish dishes will be available from the Italian Regions Piazza, a new area to Slow Fish in 2013 consisting of regional tasting booths and restaurants, with pride of place given to dishes from Italian regions on the Mediterranean coast

Slow Fish is also an international campaign launched by Slow Food to inform consumers, encourage interaction between those involved in the world of sustainable fisheries and promote good, clean and fair fish. Visit for more.

The event program and further information in English will be published soon and available at Watch this space!

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