SALONE SPECIAL: Europe Comes to Turin

03 Sep 2014

The European Commission will have a significant presence at this year’s edition of the Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre event  to be held in Turin, October 23-27. This was announced yesterday by Pia Bucella, Director Natural Capital, Directorate-General Environment; Andrea Gavinelli, Head of Unit of Animal Welfare, Directorate-General Health and Consumers; Pierre Bascou, Director Direct Support, Directorate-General Agriculture and Rural Development; Ernesto Penas Lado, Director Policy Development and Coordination, Directorate-General Maritime Affairs and Fisheries; and Dr. Ursula Hudson, member of the Slow Food International Board of Directors and President of Slow Food Germany.


All speakers highlighted at the press conference that this remarkable participation of four Directorates-General at an international event held beyond the borders of Brussels is a unique occurrence. This recognition stems from the positive experiences had during previous editions of Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre, during which they were able to witness the interest of the public and the capacity of Slow Food to communicate important messages regarding food, pleasure, knowledge, the environment, animal welfare, biodiversity and culture.


The presence of the European Commission at the event will include a 100m2 stand where the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development and the Directorate-General for Health and Consumers will present European policies on agriculture, food quality, sustainable farming, animal welfare and animal health, as well as host educational activities. The Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries will also participate at Salone del Gusto with a stand, where visitors will receive information on the communication campaign “Inseparable – Eat, Buy, Sell sustainable fish”, aiming to help consumers make the right choices, supported by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies. The graphic works of the primary schools of Turin on the theme “Choose your fish – No fish smaller than the legal size!” (“Che pesci pigliare – No ai pesci sotto taglia!”) will also be exhibited in the stand.


The abovementioned Directorates-General as well as the Directorate-General for the Environment will further participate with key speakers in the conferences, Our Daily Waste,  Family Farming and the Protection of Mountains, Aquaculture: Solution or Problem?, The Future of Our Food, the Future of Europe: Let’s Talk, The Soil is Used Up and The Ark of Flavors to Save.


The European Union will co-organize two conferences about animal welfare: Animal Welfare: The Pleasure of Respecting Rights, and Animal welfare: how farmers can benefit from it



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