Oui…Terra Madre parle français!

05 Oct 2011

Slow Food International President Carlo Petrini will be in France next week for the launch of his latest book, Terra Madre: Forging a New Global Network of Sustainable Food Communities, now translated into French (Terra Madre: Renouer Avec La Chaîne Vertueuse De L’alimentation) and published by Éditions Alternatives. Already available in English, Italian and German, the French version will be in bookstores from today.

In Terra Madre, the Slow Food founder analyzes the world food crisis and the problems of the current food system, calling for the reconquering of food sovereignty, the promotion of sustainable production and the construction of local economic systems that respect health and ecosystems. 

Petrini’s solution lies in the thousands of newly formed local alliances between food producers and consumers in the Terra Madre network. 

“The Terra Madre communities have a central role in creating a constructive dialog between producers and consumers,” he writes, “a dialog that will bring a new equilibrium between people and the land, an essential prerequisite to recognizing and appreciating again the real value of our food.”

Petrini’s visit to Paris and Marseille will include several public events. On October 13, he will he will take part in a debate in the first International Forum of Purple Economy, an event launching an inclusive international debate on purple economy, a concept of looking beyond the economic value of cultural outputs to encompass the cultural dimension of any asset or service. Petrini will take part in the debate, Attractiveness of regional assets: 
The creation and regionalization of added value.

The same day he will present his book at the Sorbonne and join a discussion with students and professors, accompanied by Gilles Fumey, professor of cultural geography of food at the Paris-Sorbonne University. On October15 in Marseille, Petrini will participate in a debate on the theme, “Agriculture, food: What will we eat tomorrow?” during the Rencontres Capitales debate program.

Click here for more information on Petrini’s visit (in French).

Click here for more information on Terra Madre: Renouer Avec La Chaîne Vertueuse De L’alimentation

Click here if you are interested in purchasing a copy of Terra Madre in English.

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