Land Rights Now – Mougli Delcid Rivera – Nahua Pipil People, El Salvador

30 Nov 2018

“I would like to see more work for everyone in my community and more access to fields and agricultural products.”­ Mougli Delcid Rivera

 width=My name is Mougli Delcid Rivera and I am a 30 year old Indigenous youth woman from the Nahua Pipil people in El Salvador, and I live in the Caserio Puerto Cavallo community. In my community, corn is a very important grain for us, it’s a staple of our diet and a source of nutrition for us and other communities nearby. Before the last year, the rain was heavy and the corn would grow, but now they’re not growing anymore because there’s no rain.

Because of climate change and the subsequent lack of corn, 25 families are moving away and there are only 400 of us left in the community. We are working with the Ministry of Agriculture, training our people and finding common solutions to get through this situation.

I want people to be aware of the fact that they can live from their agriculture. I volunteer my services and my aim is to share my time and help others be more sustainable. I’m a mediator between the community and the State. Thanks to the Government I receive training on how to do different things that can benefit my community and I teach it back to the youth in my community.

I never had an opportunity to study before, but I have recently had the chance to begin study at the university, so that I can help my community. My sister went out and earned money so that I could go to university. I started in February, 2018, and I will be studying agronomy over the next six years.

Don’t give up on your dream. The world can be so difficult, and unexpected things happen, but if we keep on moving forward, we can find a way. I found the support of The Ministry of Agriculture in a moment of crisis and I want to share information about my community with others. I want to learn how to lift my community out of this situation, and I want to meet people who can help my community develop. This is why I will start sharing Slow Food’s vision in my community too, allowing us to connect with a global network.

Written with Nancy Monperousse

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