How Do Slow Food Presidia Contribute to Saving the Planet?
12 Jun 2020

The relationship between industrial agricultural production, climate crisis, and environmental disruption is a fact. Therefore, the fight against climate change and the preservation of the planet can only start with agricultural production.
We can no longer wait:
- The ecological transition in agriculture is an urgent and necessary solution.
- All of us have a role and can contribute, let us remember that when we are shopping: our choices count.
- Our actions can influence political and economic organization. Every time we buy food we have to ask ourselves what system we want, and if the price of food produced with respect for the environment seems too high, we ask ourselves who pays the environmental, health and social cost of cheap food.
In a few images, the amount of climate-altering emissions produced by Slow Food Presidia and sustainable supply chains, compared with similar industrial production, is as follows.
Find the complete study here
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