Eat Stockholm Food Forum 2019: let’s go!

12 Jun 2019

Who are the people behind sustainable, inclusive and healthy gastronomy initiatives around the world? How do these frontrunners operate? What results are they achieving? What can we learn from these initiatives?

Today our Themba Austin Chauke – former student from the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo and Slow Food gardens coordinator in Limpopo area, South Africa – is in Stockholm for the side-event The power of sustainable gastronomy with NordicFoodPol, Hivos, WWF, IFOAMorganic, ethoslabmx. The eventi is one of the meeting of the EAT Stockholm Food Forum 2019, the World’s Leading Platform for Global Food Transformation. width=

“Vhembe District Municipality is one of the districts in Limpopo province in South Africa with a high prevalence of malnutrition, caused mainly by poor feeding practices, in particular in children under the age of five. Malnutrition starts in the backyards and gardens of South African communities who are unable to grow different types of nutritious fruits and vegetables in an agro-ecological way. Slow Food works directly with the community, engaging primarily women, helping them to design food gardens that are set up in an agro-ecological way. The Slow Food team also trains the farmers on sourcing seeds, soil management, crop rotation, natural control of pests and diseases, and using manure instead of chemical fertilizers. Trainings are also given on dietary diversification and sustainable consumption. This enables the community to grow their food, diversify their meals, eat more nutritious and varied food, and to improve their health”. width=

Calling all solutionists!

#SustainableGastronomy #EatForum19

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