COP21: Italy’s Agriculture Minister Signs Slow Food’s Climate Change Appeal
02 Dec 2015

Italy’s Minister for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, Maurizio Martina, has signed Slow Food’s appeal, Let’s Not Eat Up the Planet! Fight Climate Change, “because it is increasingly clear that agriculture and food policy choices must be the central players in the fight against climate change,” the Minister wrote yesterday on his Huffington Post blog.
“There is a thread connecting the Universal Exposition in Milan to COP21 in Paris,” he continued. “Agriculture and food production are in fact among the sectors that suffer the most from these imbalances and precisely for this reason, the topic was the focus of many days of work and debate at Expo. Now it must also be the protagonist of the COP21 discussions. With this awareness, with Environment Minister Gian Luca Galletti we will be in Paris on December 7 with the themes and commitments of the Charter of Milan.”
The Slow Food association has launched the appeal Let’s Not Eat Up the Planet! Fight Climate Change at an international level, where it has been shared by hundreds of other associations, researchers, intellectuals and supporters. The appeal’s aim is to highlight the importance of a theme that is completely absent from the preparatory documents for the Paris meeting, which instead focus on sectors like energy, industry and transport.
“Agriculture and food production systems can make a decisive contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gases, as long as governments immediately change course in agricultural and food policies. The fact that the Minister, Maurizio Martina, has signed our appeal is very important as it is a tangible sign that Italian institutions are taking responsibility in the run-up to COP21,” said Gaetano Pascale, the president of Slow Food Italy. “We hope that this stance is shared by other governments and that they manage to reach a binding agreement. However, individual citizens must not leave our planet’s fate entirely in the hands of their highest representatives. We all must do our part in our everyday lives, carefully choosing our food and avoiding waste, for example.
Help us make our voice heard in Paris by signing the Let’s Not Eat Up our Planet! Fight Climate Change appeal now.
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