Como num país tropical

09 Oct 2007

EXCLUSIVE – The first Terra Madre Brazil, organized by Slow Food Brazil in collaboration with the Ministry of Agricultural Development, came to an end in Brasilia on Sunday after four days of debates, talks and workshops, in which food communities were able to meet and present their products and methods of production in an informal atmosphere.

The first day of the event featured official speeches by representatives of the Brazilian government ministries on the following topics: social inclusion Ministry of Science and Technology; identity and cultural diversity – Ministry of Culture and Tourism; regional and territorial development – Ministry of Agricultural Development. Silvio Barbero, a founding member of Slow Food, also flew out from Bra, Italy, to make a welcoming speech.

Another topics touched on during the event was the use of the internet for external communication, certification and offering producers the chance to describe their ideas about food.

An especially big success was the Espacio Gourmet, an open space in which even visitors to the adjacent Feira Nacional de Agricultura Familiar e Reforma Agrária were able to taste food community products cooked by Brazilian chefs and take part in the Taste Worskshops on chocolate and manioc.

Fabio Sicilia, the Belem-based chef and convivium leader who led the workshop on chocolate commented: ‘They say the finest chocolate in the world comes from Belgium, but the “raw material” that makes this product so successful comes from Brazil. I wish all Brazilians would realize how rich our land and culture are’.

From our Brasilia correspondent

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