Chickpea Puree with Shrimp Recipe

22 Aug 2012

As U.S. chef Alice Waters says: “When you have the best and tastiest ingredients, you can cook very simply and the food will be extraordinary because it tastes like what it is.” This philosophy is the driving force of esteemed Italian chef Fulvio Pierangelini, who will be presenting his passatina di ceci con gamberi (chickpea puree with shrimp) during one of the ‘Dishes that Made History’ Theater of Taste workshops at the Salone del Gusto this October in Turin.

Founder of Tuscany’s Two-Michelin-starred Gambero Rosso restaurant, Pierangelini is a symbol of Mediterranean cuisine, known for bringing excellence to simple dishes through gastronomic sensitivity and inspired combinations. In this legendary starter of chickpea puree and lightly steamed shrimp, the successful combination of just six ingredients relies greatly on the quality of the fresh shrimp (see tip on choosing sustainable shrimp below), chickpeas, extra virgin olive oil and even the salt and pepper.


Fulvio will lead the Theater of Taste workshop “Dishes That Made History: Fulvio Pierangelini’s Chickpea Puree with Shrimp” at the Salone del Gusto. Search the calendar of events and book online.

Choosing good, clean and fair shrimp

Many shrimp (Black tiger shrimp, tiger prawn, white shrimp) readily available in supermarkets worldwide are farmed in tropical waters and should be avoided. Shrimp farming is responsible for the destruction of mangrove forests with great environmental, social and cultural repercussions. When it comes to wild-fished shrimp, shrimp trawling has the highest rate of by-catch of any other commercial fishing technique. Choose sustainable wild-caught shrimp available in your region.

Read about one sustainable shrimp fishery from Maine, USA on the Slow Fish Heroes page.

Visit the Slow Fish website for more tips and resources.

Image: Biblioteca Civica di Parabiago

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