Camel Milk Over Hump

05 Apr 2007

The Kenya Dairy Board is collaborating with stakeholders and farmers in the north of the country to improve camel milk production and to market the milk nationwide and worldwide.
Since camels yield as many as six liters of milk every day, since their milk fetches about double the price of that of cows, the project is also seen as an opportunity to increase income in the poor north of Kenya.

Since 1958, Kenyan dairy policy had only recognized cows’ milk, but was modified last year to encompass camel milk, which will be introduced into a Dairy Bill soon to be submitted to Parliament.
Previously camels were bred and their milk processed informally in area remote from markets, but under the new venture it is hoped that farmers will abandon the practice of supplying their milk to vendors and turning to established dealers, thus expanding trade.

Now half-liter packs of pasteurized camel milk with a 10-day guaranteed shelf life are starting to appear on supermarket shelves and last year a Peruvian hospital specializing in allergies ordered 1,000 liters of Kenyan camel milk.

The Nation (Nairobi)

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